The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Skills directory A–Z

Search for or browse the skills in SFIA 8.

Title Skill code Description
Acceptance testing BPTS Validating systems, products, business processes or services to determine whether the acceptance criteria have been satisfied.
Animation development ADEV Designing and developing animated and interactive systems such as games and simulations.
Application support ASUP Delivering management, technical and administrative services to support and maintain live applications.
Asset management ASMG Managing the full life cycle of assets from acquisition, operation, maintenance to disposal.
Audit AUDT Delivering independent, risk-based assessments of the effectiveness of processes, the controls, and the compliance environment of an organisation.
Availability management AVMT Ensuring that services deliver agreed levels of availability to meet the current and future needs of the business.
Benefits management BENM Forecasting, planning and monitoring the emergence and effective realisation of anticipated benefits from projects and programmes.
Business administration ADMN Managing and performing administrative services and tasks to enable individuals, teams and organisations to succeed in their objectives.
Business intelligence BINT Developing, producing and delivering regular and one-off management information to provide insights and aid decision-making.
Business modelling BSMO Producing abstract or distilled representations of real-world, business or gaming situations.
Business process improvement BPRE Creating new and potentially disruptive approaches to performing business activities.
Business situation analysis BUSA Investigating business situations to define recommendations for improvement action.
Capacity management CPMG Ensuring that service components have the capacity and performance to meet current and planned business needs.
Certification scheme operation CSOP Designing, developing and operating certification schemes, accreditations and credentials, including digital credentials or badges.
Change control CHMG Assessing risks associated with proposed changes and ensuring changes to products, services or systems are controlled and coordinated.
Competency assessment LEDA Assessing knowledge, skills, competency and behaviours by any means, whether formal or informal, against frameworks such as SFIA.
Configuration management CFMG Planning, identifying, controlling, accounting for and auditing of configuration items (CIs) and their interrelationships.
Consultancy CNSL Providing advice and recommendations, based on expertise and experience, to address client needs.
Content authoring INCA Planning, designing and creating textual information, supported where necessary by graphical content.
Content publishing ICPM Managing and continually improving the processes that collect, assemble and publish content.
Continuity management COPL Developing, implementing and testing a business continuity framework.
Contract management ITCM Managing and controlling the operation of formal contracts for the supply of products and services.
Customer service support CSMG Managing and operating customer service or service desk functions.
Data engineering DENG Designing, building, operationalising, securing and monitoring data pipelines and data stores.
Data management DATM Developing and implementing plans, policies, and practices that control, protect and optimise the value of data assets.
Data modelling and design DTAN Developing models and diagrams to represent and communicate data requirements and data assets.
Data science DATS Applying mathematics, statistics, data mining and predictive modelling techniques to gain insights, predict behaviours and generate value from data.
Data visualisation VISL Facilitating understanding of data by displaying concepts, ideas, and facts using graphical representations.
Database administration DBAD Installing, configuring, monitoring, maintaining and improving the performance of databases and data stores.
Database design DBDS Specifying, designing and maintaining mechanisms for storing and accessing data.
Demand management DEMM Analysing and proactively managing business demand for new services or modifications to existing service features or volumes.
Digital forensics DGFS Recovering and investigating material found in digital devices.
Emerging technology monitoring EMRG Identifying and assessing new and emerging technologies, products, services, methods and techniques.
Employee experience EEXP Enhancing employee engagement and ways of working, empowering employees and supporting their health and wellbeing.
Enterprise and business architecture STPL Aligning an organisation's technology strategy with its business mission, strategy, and processes and documenting this using architectural models.
Facilities management DCMA Planning, designing and managing the buildings, space and facilities which, collectively, make up the IT estate.
Feasibility assessment FEAS Defining, evaluating and describing business change options for financial, technical and business feasibility, and strategic alignment.
Financial management FMIT Supporting the effective use and control of financial resources.
Governance GOVN Defining and operating a framework for making decisions, managing stakeholder relationships, and identifying legitimate authority.
Hardware design HWDE Specifying a hardware design model for a defined system architecture.
High-performance computing HPCC Using advanced computer systems and special programming techniques to solve complex computational problems.
Incident management USUP Coordinating responses to incident reports, minimising negative impacts and restoring service as quickly as possible.
Information assurance INAS Protecting against and managing risks related to the use, storage and transmission of data and information systems.
Information management IRMG Planning, implementing and controlling the full life cycle management of digitally organised information and records.
Information security SCTY Defining and operating a framework of security controls and security management strategies.
Information systems coordination ISCO Coordinating information and technology strategies where the adoption of a common approach would benefit the organisation.
Innovation INOV Identifying, prioritising, incubating and exploiting opportunities provided by information, communication and digital technologies.
Investment appraisal INVA Assessing the attractiveness of possible investments or projects.
IT infrastructure ITOP Deploying, configuring and operating IT Infrastructure.
Knowledge management KNOW Managing vital knowledge to create value for the organisation.
Learning and development management ETMG Delivering management, advisory and administrative services to support the development of knowledge, skills and competencies.
Learning delivery ETDL Transferring knowledge, developing skills and changing behaviours using a range of techniques, resources and media.
Learning design and development TMCR Designing and developing resources to transfer knowledge, develop skills and change behaviours.
Machine learning MLNG Developing systems that learn through experience and by the use of data.
Marketing MKTG Researching, analysing and stimulating potential or existing markets for products and services.
Measurement MEAS Developing and operating a measurement capability to support agreed organisational information needs.
Methods and tools METL Ensuring methods and tools are adopted and used effectively throughout the organisation.
Network design NTDS Designing communication networks to support strategic and operational requirements and producing network strategies, architectures, policies and related documentation.
Network support NTAS Providing maintenance and support services for communications networks.
Numerical analysis NUAN Creating, analysing, implementing, testing and improving algorithms for numerically solving mathematical problems.
Organisation design and implementation ORDI Planning, designing and implementing an integrated organisation structure and culture.
Organisational capability development OCDV Providing leadership, advice and implementation support to assess organisational capabilities and to identify, prioritise and implement improvements.
Organisational change management CIPM Planning, designing and implementing activities to transition the organisation and people to the required future state.
Organisational facilitation OFCL Supporting workgroups to implement principles and practices for effective teamwork across organisational boundaries and professional specialisms.
Penetration testing PENT Testing the effectiveness of security controls by emulating the tools and techniques of likely attackers.
Performance management PEMT Improving organisational performance by developing the performance of individuals and workgroups to meet agreed objectives with measurable results.
Personal data protection PEDP Implementing and operating a framework of controls and management strategies to promote compliance with personal data legislation.
Portfolio management POMG Developing and applying a management framework to define and deliver a portfolio of programmes, projects and/or ongoing services.
Portfolio, programme and project support PROF Providing support and guidance on portfolio, programme and project management processes, procedures, tools and techniques.
Problem management PBMG Managing the life cycle of all problems that have occurred or could occur in delivering a service.
Product management PROD Managing and developing products or services through their full life cycle from inception, growth, maturity, decline to retirement.
Professional development PDSV Facilitating the professional development of individuals in line with their career goals and organisational requirements.
Programme management PGMG Identifying, planning and coordinating a set of related projects and activities in support of specific business strategies and objectives.
Programming/software development PROG Developing software components to deliver value to stakeholders.
Project management PRMG Delivering agreed outcomes from projects using appropriate management techniques, collaboration, leadership and governance.
Quality assurance QUAS Assuring, through ongoing and periodic assessments and reviews, that the organisation’s quality objectives are being met.
Quality management QUMG Defining and operating a management framework of processes and working practices to deliver the organisation's quality objectives.
Radio frequency engineering RFEN Designing, installing and maintaining radio frequency based devices and software.
Real-time/embedded systems development RESD Designing and developing reliable real-time software typically within embedded systems.
Release and deployment RELM Applying the processes, systems and functions required to make new and changed services and features available for use.
Requirements definition and management REQM Managing requirements through the entire delivery and operational life cycle.
Research RSCH Systematically creating new knowledge by data gathering, innovation, experimentation, evaluation and dissemination.
Resourcing RESC Acquiring, deploying and onboarding resources.
Risk management BURM Planning and implementing organisation-wide processes and procedures for the management of risk to the success or integrity of the enterprise.
Safety assessment SFAS Assessing safety-related software and hardware systems to determine compliance with standards and required levels of safety integrity.
Safety engineering SFEN Applying appropriate methods to assure safety during all life cycle phases of safety-related systems developments.
Sales support SSUP Providing advice and support to the sales force, customers and sales partners.
Scientific modelling SCMO Applying computer simulation and other forms of computation to solve real-world problems in scientific disciplines.
Security operations SCAD Delivering management, technical and administrative services to implement security controls and security management strategies.
Selling SALE Finding prospective customers and working with them to identify needs, influence purchase decisions and enhance future business opportunities.
Service acceptance SEAC Managing the process to obtain formal confirmation that service acceptance criteria have been met.
Service catalogue management SCMG Providing a source of consistent information about available services and products to customers and users.
Service level management SLMO Agreeing targets for service levels and assessing, monitoring, and managing the delivery of services against the targets.
Software configuration PORT Designing and deploying software product configurations into software environments or platforms.
Software design SWDN Specifying and designing software to meet defined requirements by following agreed design standards and principles.
Solution architecture ARCH Developing and communicating a multi-dimensional solution architecture to deliver agreed business outcomes.
Sourcing SORC Managing, or providing advice on, the procurement or commissioning of products and services.
Specialist advice TECH Providing authoritative advice and direction in a specialist area.
Stakeholder relationship management RLMT Influencing stakeholder attitudes, decisions, and actions for mutual benefit.
Storage management STMG Planning, implementing and optimising the technologies and processes used for data storage.
Strategic planning ITSP Creating and maintaining a strategy to align organisational actions, plans and resources with business objectives.
Subject formation SUBF Specifying, designing and developing curricula within a structured and systematic education environment.
Supplier management SUPP Aligning the organisation’s supplier performance objectives and activities with sourcing strategies and plans, balancing costs, efficiencies and service quality.
Sustainability SUST Providing advice, assistance and leadership to enable the organisation to minimise negative environmental impact.
System software SYSP Installing, managing, controlling, deploying and maintaining infrastructure systems software, to meet operational needs and service levels.
Systems and software life cycle engineering SLEN Establishing and deploying an environment for developing, continually improving, and securely operating software and systems products and services.
Systems design DESN Designing systems to meet specified requirements and agreed systems architectures.
Systems development management DLMG Planning, estimating and executing systems development work to time, budget and quality targets.
Systems installation and removal HSIN Installing and testing, or decommissioning and removing, systems or system components.
Systems integration and build SINT Planning, implementing and controlling activities to synthesise system components to create operational systems, products or services.
Teaching TEAC Delivering and assessing curricula in a structured and systematic education environment.
Technology service management ITMG Managing the provision of technology-based services to meet defined organisational needs.
Testing TEST Investigating products, systems and services to assess behaviour and whether this meets specified or unspecified requirements and characteristics.
Threat intelligence THIN Developing and sharing actionable insights on current and potential security threats to the success or integrity of an organisation.
User experience analysis UNAN Understanding the context of use for systems, products and services and specifying user experience requirements and design goals.
User experience design HCEV Producing design concepts and prototypes for user interactions with and experiences of a product, system or service.
User experience evaluation USEV Validating systems, products or services against user experience goals, metrics and targets.
User research URCH Identifying users' behaviours, needs and motivations using observational research methods.
Vulnerability assessment VUAS Identifying and classifying security vulnerabilities in networks, systems and applications and mitigating or eliminating their impact.
Vulnerability research VURE Conducting applied research to discover, evaluate and mitigate new or unknown security vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
Workforce planning WFPL Estimating the demand for people and skills and planning the supply needed to meet that demand.