The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Systems installation and removal HSIN

Installing and testing, or decommissioning and removing, systems or system components.

Guidance notes

Systems or systems components may include — but are not limited to — hardware, software, cabling, wiring, and monitoring equipment.

Activities may include — but are not limited to:

  • developing and following plans and instructions in accordance with agreed standards
  • adhering to established safety, security and quality standards
  • testing of hardware and software components, resolution of malfunctions, and recording of results
  • documenting the details of hardware and software installed so that configuration management records can be updated
  • safe disconnection, decommissioning and removal of systems or system components.


Defined at these levels: 1 2 3 4 5

Systems installation and removal: Level 1

Follows agreed procedures to perform simple installations, replace consumable items and check the correct working of installations.

Documents and reports on work done.

Systems installation and removal: Level 2

Installs or removes system components using supplied installation instructions and tools.

Conducts standard tests and contributes to investigations of problems and faults.

Confirms the correct working of installations.

Documents results in accordance with agreed procedures.

Systems installation and removal: Level 3

Installs or removes hardware and/or software, using supplied installation instructions and tools, including handover to the client.

Uses standard procedures and diagnostic tools to test installations, correct problems, and document results.

Records details of all components that have been installed and removed. Assists users and follows agreed procedures for further help or escalation.

Contributes to the development of installation procedures and standards.

Systems installation and removal: Level 4

Undertakes or supervises complex installations and de-installations of systems or components, including handover to the client.

Develops procedures and standards for installation and handover to maintain and improve the installation service.

Schedules installation work around client priorities and resource availability.

Ensures adherence to established safety and quality procedures.

Systems installation and removal: Level 5

Takes responsibility for installation and/or decommissioning projects.

Provides effective team leadership, including information flow to and from the customer during project work.

Develops and implements quality plans and method statements.

Monitors the effectiveness of installations and ensures that appropriate recommendations for change are made.

Systems installation and removal: Levels 6-7

This skill is not typically observed or practiced at these levels of responsibility and accountability.