SFIAv9 SFIA views
SFIA views present the contents of SFIA from different viewpoints. These views address the interests of specific professional disciplines, industry topics and framework users.
Full framework views
The conventional view groups the SFIA skills into categories and sub-categories. This is the view used for the SFIA complete reference guide, the A3 summary sheet and basic navigation.
Use the A to Z listing when you are looking for a specific skill and you know its name.
Focused views
These views of SFIA provide a quick-start list of the SFIA skills which are most relevant to a selection of professional disciplines, industry topics and complementary frameworks.
These have not been update with SFIA 9 beta skills. They will be updated with final release of SFIA 9.
- Digital Transformation skills view - not updated yet, for SFIA 9
- Agile skills view - not updated yet, for SFIA 9
- DevOps skills view - not updated yet, for SFIA 9
- Big data/Data science skills view - not updated yet, for SFIA 9
- Information and cyber security skills view - updated for SFIA 9
- Enterprise IT view - not updated yet, for SFIA 9
Using the SFIA Views
SFIA is a flexible resource - the focussed views show that the skills in SFIA can be easily grouped, filtered, and viewed in alternative ways to support specific professional disciplines, industry topics and complementary frameworks.
- These views can provide a quick start approach to understanding and using SFIA.
- As with all applications of SFIA — you should consider these views against your specific organisational context and business objectives. Please refer to the full SFIA framework if you think something is missing.
- The full reference guide (PDF, requires free registration/login) and this website provide advice and guidance on the adoption of SFIA. Beta version available here.
- There is also an active global ecosystem of SFIA Partners, SFIA Consultants and Practitioners. They are available for advice on adopting SFIA. Full details are available here.
- If you represent a professional body or a framework owner and would like to collaborate with the SFIA Foundation on the development of additional SFIA views; please contact the SFIA General Manager
Creating views of SFIA takes time, energy and resources so we need to prioritise.
Please contact the SFIA General Manager:
- so we can understand potential demand for these views
- to let us know if you can contribute to the development of views
- to suggest other views we should be considering