The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

About us

The SFIA Foundation is a global not-for-profit organisation which oversees the production and use of SFIA.

The Foundation develops and maintains the SFIA Framework and the SFIA Ecosystem.  It encourages and supports the use of the Framework for individuals and organisations wishing to enhance their digital and information technology skills and competencies.

  • The SFIA Board provides governance to the Foundation
  • The SFIA Council provides guidance, advice and support with regard to strategic direction and technical input
  • The SFIA Accredited Practitioners, Consultants and Partners provide support to SFIA End Users
  • General exchange of information between users of SFIA is facilitated by the SFIA User Forum

The SFIA Board

The SFIA Board Directors are:

Robert Deri

Group Finance Director, IMIS – The Institute for the Management of Information Systems (Chairman, SFIA Foundation)

Chris Fechner

Chief Executive Officer, Digital Transformation Agency, Australia

Mark Lillycrop

Head of Professional Services, itSMF UK – The IT Service Management Forum

Holly Porter

Managing Director -BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT 

Colin Sellers

Head of Registration and Standards – The IET

SFIA Operations

General Manager        

Business Administrator  Lucy Ryan

Company registration

SFIA Foundation: A private company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital. Registered in England and Wales, Registration Number: 04770377. 
Registered Office: The Scalpel, 18th Floor, 52 Lime Street, London EC3M 7AF

How we work

SFIA is developed and maintained through a collaborative global effort, involving professionals from across industries.


This Privacy Policy describes the manner in which SFIA Foundation collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users through our website by accessing our services and information collected from Individuals and Partners as part of the SFIA accreditation scheme. This privacy policy applies to the SFIA website and all products and services offered by the SFIA Foundation.