The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Organisational change management CIPM

Planning, designing and implementing activities to transition the organisation and people to the required future state.

Guidance notes

Activities may include — but are not limited to:

  • developing a business change implementation plan to identify required changes to processes, procedures, systems, structures, ways of working
  • using a structured process and set of tools for leading the people side of change 
  • implementing organisational change management practices to support iterative/agile working
  • assessing change readiness and capacity including — but not limited to — planning around key business cycles, selecting appropriate customers for migration
  • assessing and developing change management capabilities 
  • engagement and tailored communication with stakeholders and everyone impacted by the change
  • monitoring the impact of the change management plan and sustaining and embedding change
  • coaching change sponsors.

3 4 5 6
Levels of responsibility for this skill

Organisational change management: Levels 1-2

This skill is not typically observed or practiced at these levels of responsibility and accountability.

Organisational change management: Level 3

Follows standard techniques to investigate and analyse the size, nature and impact of changes to operational activities.

Contributes to the recommendations for change management plans and actions.

Supports implementation and engages with stakeholders under direction.

Organisational change management: Level 4

Conducts readiness assessments to assess the size, nature and impact of organisational change.

Defines tactics to use considering the challenges to be addressed. Provides guidance and makes suggestions to support individuals responsible for operational implementation of change management activities.

Gathers feedback to analyse the impact and effectiveness of the change management activities being deployed. Takes corrective action as required.

Develops and communicates tailored change management plans. Establishes and builds relationships with the project sponsors and key stakeholders.

Organisational change management: Level 5

Develops the change management approach and a change management plan in collaboration with sponsors, users and project teams.

Creates and implements action plans to ensure everything is ready for the change before going live. Acquires change management resources and develops their capabilities to deliver the required changes.

Gathers feedback to allow timely improvements to the change management plan and approach. Assesses risks and takes preventative action.

Develops and communicates tailored change management plans for senior stakeholder groups. Provides guidance and makes suggestions to support change sponsors.

Organisational change management: Level 6

Defines and communicates the approach for change management for a significant part of the organisation.

Initiates, plans and leads strategic, large and complex change management initiatives. Provides guidance and raises awareness to help change leaders demonstrate effective behaviours to deliver organisational change.

Establishes feedback processes and leads analyses of change management successes.

Enables continual improvements to change management methodology, tools and training necessary to enhance the maturity across the organisation.

Organisational change management: Level 7

This skill is not typically observed or practiced at this level of responsibility and accountability.