The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

SFIA View: Cloud computing

Skills at a glance

Skills by category
Cloud infrastructure and operationsIT infrastructure ITOP12345
System software SYSP345
Network design NTDS3456
Network support NTAS2345
Storage management STMG3456
Database administration DBAD2345
Availability management AVMT456
Configuration management CFMG23456
Change control CHMG23456
Software engineering / DevOpsSoftware design SWDN23456
Programming/software development PROG23456
Testing TEST123456
Systems integration and build SINT23456
Release and deployment RELM3456
Configuration management CFMG23456
Software configuration PORT3456
Edge computing / IoTReal-time/embedded systems development RESD23456
Hardware design HWDE3456
Platform managementSystems and software life cycle engineering SLEN4567
System software SYSP345
Application support ASUP2345
Configuration management CFMG23456
Methods and tools METL3456
Cloud Financials [FinOps]Financial management FMIT456
Benefits management BENM56
Capacity management CPMG456
Demand management DEMM56
Business intelligence BINT2345
Measurement MEAS3456
Cloud security and resilienceSecurity operations SCAD123456
Continuity management COPL23456
Incident management USUP2345
Problem management PBMG345
Vulnerability assessment VUAS2345
Cloud architecture and designEnterprise and business architecture STPL567
Requirements definition and management REQM23456
Solution architecture ARCH456
Business modelling BSMO23456
Systems design DESN3456
Business situation analysis BUSA3456
Feasibility assessment FEAS3456
Cloud product managementProduct management PROD3456
User research URCH3456
User experience analysis UNAN345
User experience design HCEV3456
User experience evaluation USEV23456
Cloud sourcing and supplier managementSourcing SORC234567
Contract management ITCM3456
Supplier management SUPP234567
Service catalogue management SCMG345
Cloud data and analyticsDatabase administration DBAD2345
Machine learning MLNG23456
Data science DATS234567
Data management DATM456
Data engineering DENG23456
DecommissioningFacilities management DCMA3456
Asset management ASMG23456
Systems installation and removal HSIN12345
Cloud strategy and leadershipStrategic planning ITSP567
Business process improvement BPRE567
Portfolio management POMG567
Emerging technology monitoring EMRG456
Innovation INOV567
Investment appraisal INVA456
Cloud governance and complianceInformation security SCTY34567
Information assurance INAS34567
Personal data protection PEDP56
Governance GOVN67
Risk management BURM34567
Audit AUDT34567
Cloud migration and transformationOrganisational capability development OCDV567
Stakeholder relationship management RLMT4567
Business process improvement BPRE567
Technology service management ITMG567
Systems development management DLMG567
Organisational change management CIPM3456
Programme management PGMG67
Project management PRMG4567
Portfolio, programme and project support PROF23456
Acceptance testing BPTS23456
Cloud upskilling & talent managementOrganisation design and implementation ORDI4567
Competency assessment LEDA3456
Workforce planning WFPL456
Resourcing RESC3456
Professional development PDSV456
Cloud education and trainingLearning design and development TMCR345
Learning delivery ETDL2345