Latest news from the SFIA Foundation and SFIA users.
June 2022 - SFIA update
New Zealand | Webinars | Behavioral factors | Basic digital skills
Webinar - Making it Stick
Join Charlotte May-Wymer, Head of People at risual Ltd, as she examines risual's approach to SFIA and what they have done to ensure its longevity in all aspects of working life at risual.
May 2022 - SFIA update
Survey results | Update on webinars | New German language pdf
April 2022 - SFIA update
SFIA conference | SFIA basic awareness training | SFIA Change requests
March 2022 - SFIA update
Webinar slides | SFIA conference | SFIA basic awareness training | Update on plans for 2022
SFIA Community webinar
A 2 minute update - and a reminder of how you can get involved.
November 2021 - SFIA 8 update
Updated mappings to industry frameworks and minor corrections to SFIA 8 documents
SFIA 8 beta release – revised dates and webinar invitation
Register for SFIA 8 beta release webinars - June 29th/30th
May 2021 - SFIA 8 consultation update
A 2 minute update on the SFIA 8 consultation - and a reminder of how you can get involved.
April 2021 - SFIA 8 consultation update
A 2 minute update on the SFIA 8 consultation - and a reminder of how you can get involved.
March 2021 - SFIA 8 consultation update
A 2 minute update on the SFIA 8 consultation - and a reminder of how you can get involved.
February 2021 - SFIA 8 consultation update
A 2 minute update on the SFIA 8 consultation - and a reminder of how you can get involved.
January 2021 - SFIA 8 consultation update
A 2 minute update on the SFIA 8 consultation - and a reminder of how you can get involved.
December 2020 - SFIA 8 consultation update
A 3 minute update on the SFIA 8 consultation - and a reminder of how you can get involved.
November 2020 - SFIA 8 consultation update
A 2 minute update on the SFIA 8 consultation - and a reminder of how you can get involved.
October 2020 - SFIA 8 consultation update
A 2 minute update on the SFIA 8 consultation - and a reminder of how you can get involved.
September 2020 - SFIA 8 consultation update
A 2 minute update on the SFIA 8 consultation - and a reminder of how you can get involved.
Update on SFIA standard skills profiles
Initial curation of 380 SFIA skills profiles for the global community.
August 2020 - SFIA 8 consultation update
A 2 minute update on the SFIA 8 consultation - and a reminder of how you can get involved.
July 2020 - SFIA 8 consultation update
A 2 minute update on the SFIA 8 consultation - and a reminder of how you can get involved.
How Auckland University mapped its IT capabilities for continuous change
Using the SFIA framework to discover the skills and talents you actually have and then align training and work to the team’s actual capabilities enables more agile, flexible IT.
June 2020 - SFIA 8 consultation update
A 2 minute update on the SFIA 8 consultation - and a reminder of how you can get involved.
La próxima versión de SFIA (SFIA 8)
Las consultas abiertas formales para desarrollar la próxima versión de SFIA (SFIA 8) han comenzado. La fecha planificada de publicación de la nueva versión es Q3 2021.
SFIA website improvements June 2020
A summary of the improvements we have made to the SFIA website.
May 2020 - SFIA 8 consultation update
Last month we launched the SFIA 8 consultation. Here’s a 1 minute update on progress and a reminder of how you can get involved.
Australia - SFIA 8 Scoping Workshop Outcomes
The SFIA 8 Scoping Workshop this afternoon was a great success. Almost too much so. There were so many areas of interest that we could not do justice to them all.
Start of SFIA 8 consultation
The SFIA Foundation has approved plans to publish an updated version of SFIA in 2021. This is the largest and most visible part of the ongoing commitment to ensure SFIA remains relevant and useful for the global industry.
SFIA Skills profiles - sharing global good practice
The SFIA Foundation is launching a SFIA community initiative to identify and share recognised and generally accepted good practice in the area of SFIA skills profiles.
List of bodies of knowledge has now reached 37
Additional bodies of knowledge have been added to the list and there are now 37 in total.
SFIA Skills Assessment - February 2020
Publication of 3 new sets of guidelines related to SFIA assessments.