July 2022 - SFIA update
Webinars | Behavioral factors | SFIA Tools and resources
Estimated reading time - 1 min, 58 secs.
risual Ltd - Making it Stick
- Thanks to Charlotte May-Wymer for a very informative webinar
- The topic was Making SFIA a part of daily-life for all colleagues and using SFIA for job descriptions, recruitment, performance reviews and personal development planning.
- The webinar attracted a lot of interest - more than 400 registrants and stimulated lots of questions and comments at the live events
- The webinar recording is here along with the slides and the topics/questions which were discussed on the webinar.
Australian Public Service (APS)
The next webinar in our SFIA user story series is from Grant Nicholson, Lead Capability Architect, APS Digital Profession.
On this webinar Grant will...
- Tell their story, to date, of using SFIA across the Australian Public Service (APS) - including developing over 160 role definitions
- Showcase the APS Career Pathfinder Tool which helps people explore digital and other career options in government.
- Talk briefly about how they engage the SFIA user community in Australia & New Zealand
- The webinar is scheduled for September. Everyone on the SFIA Foundation mailing list will receive an invitation to register for the webinar.
This webinar will be of particular interest to public sector organisations and government bodies. This includes those who are using or planning to use SFIA or for those who are considering developing a bespoke framework for skills, competencies and/or roles.
Future webinars
We have other webinars planned. They will be a mix of user stories and discussion forums.
- The user stories provide real world examples of how organisations use SFIA.
- The discussion forums will be based around topics of interest to the SFIA community (such as behavioural skills) .
Please get in touch with ideas for webinars of if you have a topic you would like to present at a SFIA webinar.
If you are aware of conference where a presentation on SFIA would be of interest - please get in touch with Ian Seward.
Future SFIA strategic planning workshop
Last week the Australia / New Zealand SFIA Practitioners' Forum held a workshop to tease out ideas for future versions of the SFIA framework and the wider SFIA ecosystem.
- We will share more details of what they discovered at a later date.
- Please get in touch if you would like to support a similar workshop in your area of interest.
Publication date for SFIA 9
- The current version of SFIA was published in September 2021. We typically operate a 3 year update cycle. So, tentatively, SFIA 9 would be published around Q3 2024 to Q1 2025
- We are at the very early stages of deciding on the scope of Future SFIA - as this is driven by global consultation. Workshops are one form of consultation.
A reminder - SFIA Tools and resources
The collection of user stories and webinars adds to the growing collection of SFIA tools and resources including...
- User guidance
- Mappings to industry frameworks
- Links to industry bodies of knowledge
- Skills mapped to standard roles
Please get in touch with ideas or questions.
SFIA Updates Manager