Learning design and development TMCR
Designing and developing resources to transfer knowledge, develop skills and change behaviours.
Updates for SFIA 9
- There is an updated version of this skill for SFIA 9.
- Theme(s) influencing the updates for this skill: Making SFIA easier to consume (new levels).
- New level 2 added to support entry-level roles.
- You can move to SFIA 9 when you are ready - SFIA 8 skill descriptions will still be available to use.
- Previous SFIA assessments or skills mapping are not impacted by this change.
Guidance notes
Includes instructional design, content development, configuration and testing of learning environments, and use of appropriate current technologies such as audio, video, simulation and assessment.
Scope includes learning and development activities for the workplace, for all levels of education and blended models such as apprenticeships and work placements.
Activities may include — but are not limited to:
- specifying, designing, creating, packaging and maintaining materials and resources
- assimilating information from existing sources
- selecting and presenting material in a form suitable to the intended purpose and audience
- securing third-party accreditation
- creating simulated data, replicating external systems, interfaces and assessment systems for simulated learning environments.
Levels of responsibility for this skill
3 | 4 | 5 |
Learning design and development: Levels 1-2
This skill is not typically observed or practiced at these levels of responsibility and accountability.
Learning design and development: Level 3
Designs, creates, customises and maintains learning materials and resources to deliver agreed outcomes, and meet accreditation requirements when appropriate.
Contributes to the design, configuration and testing of learning environments.
Learning design and development: Level 4
Specifies the content and structure of learning and development materials.
Takes responsibility for design, creation, packaging and maintenance and manages development to deliver agreed outcomes.
Where required, designs, configures and tests learning environments.
Secures external accreditations as appropriate.
Learning design and development: Level 5
Specifies solutions for use in learning and development programs in the workplace or in compulsory, further or higher education.
Commissions the development of learning materials, allocates resources to learning teams, defines learning outcomes.
Leads learning programs, recommends and specifies learning interventions for design, development and deployment according to agreed learning outcomes.
Learning design and development: Levels 6-7
This skill is not typically observed or practiced at these levels of responsibility and accountability.