The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Communication COMM

Exchanging information, ideas, and insights to facilitate understanding and collaboration.

This is a prototype for SFIA 9. It is subject to change before publication.

Guidance notes

At the entry-level, communication skills are primarily needed for effective engagement with immediate colleagues. At intermediate levels, the expectation is to articulate complex ideas effectively to both technical and non-technical audiences. At the highest levels, your communication extends across the organization and even into external sectors like industry and government. In essence, it's about the effectiveness and reach of communication skills.

Level 1 - Follow

  • Communicates with immediate team to understand and deliver on their assigned tasks. Observes, listens, and with encouragement, asks questions to seek information or clarify instructions.

Level 2 - Assist

  • Communicates familiar information with immediate team and stakeholders directly related to their role. Listens to gain understanding and asks relevant questions to clarify or seek further information. 

Level 3 - Apply

  • Communicates with team and stakeholders inside and outside the organisation clearly explaining and presenting information. Contributes to a range of work-related conversations and listens to others to gain an understanding and asks probing questions relevant to their role.

Level 4 - Enable

  • Communicates with both technical and non-technical audiences including team and stakeholders inside and outside the organisation. May take the lead in explaining complex concepts to support decision making. Listens and asks insightful questions to identify different perspectives to clarify and confirm understanding.

Level 5 - Ensure, advise

  • Communicates clearly with impact, articulating complex information and ideas to broad audiences with different viewpoints. Leads and encourages conversations to share ideas and build consensus on actions to be taken. 

Level 6 - Initiate, influence

  • Communicates with credibility at all levels across the organisation to broad audiences with divergent objectives. Explains complex information and ideas clearly, influencing the strategic direction. Promotes information sharing across the organisation. 

Level 7 - Set strategy, inspire, mobilise

  • Communicates to audiences at all levels within own organisation and engages with industry. Presents compelling arguments and ideas authoritatively and convincingly to achieve business objectives.