The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Performance management PEMT

Improving organisational performance by developing the performance of individuals and workgroups to meet agreed objectives with measurable results.

Guidance notes

The term workgroup is used to be inclusive of different organisational structures. A workgroup is a collection of people working together on interdependent tasks to achieve shared objectives. This includes — but is not limited to — permanent/business-as-usual teams, cross-functional teams, squads or workgroups formed to deliver a specific outcome.

Activities may include — but are not limited to:

  • setting workgroup objectives aligned to organisational drivers
  • supporting individual growth to achieve objectives
  • forming effective teams
  • developing effective working relations within the workgroup
  • developing effective working relations with other workgroups, partners and individuals who they collaborate with to achieve workgroup objectives.


Defined at these levels: 4 5 6

Performance management: Levels 1-3

This skill is not typically observed or practiced at these levels of responsibility and accountability.

Performance management: Level 4

Provides operational direction, support and guidance to assigned colleagues.

Allocates routine tasks or project work, in line with team objectives and individual capabilities. Monitors quality and performance against agreed criteria to make learning recommendations or to escalate concerns.

Coaches colleagues in developing target skills and capabilities in line with team and personal goals.

Facilitates effective working relationships between team members.

Performance management: Level 5

Forms, maintains and leads workgroups and individuals to achieve organisational objectives.

Determines and delegates objectives and task responsibilities to individuals or teams — including people management responsibilities as appropriate. Sets the quality, performance and capability targets in line with organisational goals. Monitors performance and working relationships and provides effective feedback to address individual issues.

Encourages individual development of skills and capabilities in line with team and personal goals. Facilitates the development of individuals by adjusting workload, targets, and team capacity.

Plays an active role in formal organisational processes such recruitment, reward, promotion and disciplinary procedures.

Performance management: Level 6

Determines and delegates people management and functional management objectives and responsibilities.

Creates and sets the direction for multiple workgroups to achieve strategic organisational objectives. Sets strategy for quality and performance measurement in line with organisational goals.

Provides a work environment and resources that allow individuals and workgroups to perform their tasks efficiently.

Leads the implementation of formal organisational processes such as recruitment, reward, promotion and disciplinary procedures.

Performance management: Level 7

This skill is not typically observed or practiced at this level of responsibility and accountability.