The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

SFIA View: Data culture and capability

Data culture and capability


Data science DATS


Applying mathematics, statistics, data mining and predictive modelling techniques to gain insights, predict behaviours and generate value from data.

Innovation INOV


Identifying, prioritising, incubating and exploiting opportunities provided by information, communication and digital technologies.

Business process improvement BPRE


Creating new and potentially disruptive approaches to performing business activities.

Organisational capability development OCDV


Providing leadership, advice and implementation support to assess organisational capabilities and to identify, prioritise and implement improvements.

Methods and tools METL


Ensuring methods and tools are adopted and used effectively throughout the organisation.

Organisation design and implementation ORDI


Planning, designing and implementing an integrated organisation structure and culture.

Competency assessment LEDA


Assessing knowledge, skills, competency and behaviours by any means, whether formal or informal, against frameworks such as SFIA.

Knowledge management KNOW


Managing vital knowledge to create value for the organisation.

Learning delivery ETDL


Transferring knowledge, developing skills and changing behaviours using a range of techniques, resources and media.

Measurement MEAS


Developing and operating a measurement capability to support agreed organisational information needs.

Organisational change management CIPM


Planning, designing and implementing activities to transition the organisation and people to the required future state.

Performance management PEMT


Improving organisational performance by developing the performance of individuals and workgroups to meet agreed objectives with measurable results.