The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Organisational capability development OCDV


Providing leadership, advice and implementation support to assess organisational capabilities and to identify, prioritise and implement improvements.

SFIA 9 is in development

  • SFIA 9 planned for publication October 2024.
  • The content of this skill may change before publication.

Guidance notes


Activities may include, but are not limited to:

  • selecting, adopting and integrating appropriate industry frameworks and models to guide improvements
  • using capability maturity assessments, metrics, process definition and process management
  • building repeatable and reliable capabilities through a process of trial, feedback, learning and continual evolution
  • developing appropriate techniques, tools and enhanced skills
  • designing and delivering integrated people, process and technology solutions to deliver improved organisational performance in line with strategic plans and objectives
  • identifying organisational priorities for enhancing performance, satisfying new business opportunities or responding to external drivers.

The scope of improvement is typically organisation-wide but may also be highly focused on areas such as, but not limited to, business agility, software development, systems development, project delivery, service integration and management, service delivery, information and cyber-security.

Understanding the responsibility levels of this skill

Where lower levels are not defined...
  • Specific tasks and responsibilities are not defined because the skill requires a higher level of autonomy, influence, and complexity in decision-making than is typically expected at these levels. You can use the essence statements to understand the generic responsibilities associated with these levels.
Where higher levels are not defined...
  • Responsibilities and accountabilities are not defined because these higher levels involve strategic leadership and broader organisational influence that goes beyond the scope of this specific skill. See the essence statements.

Developing skills and demonstrating responsibilities related to this skill

The defined levels show the incremental progression in skills and responsibilities.

Where lower levels are not defined...

You can develop your knowledge and support others who do have responsibility in this area by:

  • Learning key concepts and principles related to this skill and its impact on your role
  • Performing related skills (see the related SFIA skills)
  • Supporting others who are performing higher level tasks and activities
Where higher levels are not defined...
  • You can progress by developing related skills which are better suited to higher levels of organisational leadership.

Show/hide extra descriptions and levels.

5 6 7

Levels of responsibility for this skill

Organisational capability development: Level 5

Level 5 - Ensure, advise: Essence of the level: Provides authoritative guidance in their field and works under broad direction. Accountable for delivering significant work outcomes, from analysis through execution to evaluation.


Contributes to identifying new areas of capability improvement within the organisation which may be enhancements to skills, technology or processes.

Develops and maintains a detailed knowledge of capability improvement approaches and techniques and selects appropriate approaches for the organisation.

Conducts capability improvement assignments, such as maturity or performance assessments, to identify strengths and weaknesses. Selects and prioritises improvement opportunities, generates buy-in and plans improvement activities justified by measurable organisational benefits.

Offers support, guidance, advice and suggestions to help continual improvement activities.

Organisational capability development: Level 6

Level 6 - Initiate, influence: Essence of the level: Has significant organisational influence, makes high-level decisions, shapes policies, demonstrates leadership, promotes organisational collaboration, and accepts accountability in key areas.


Seeks out, identifies, proposes and initiates capability improvement activities within the organisation.

Leads substantial improvement programmes. Plans and manages the evaluation or assessment of organisational capabilities. Selects frameworks, approaches and techniques for use.

Takes action to exploit opportunities to deliver measurable, beneficial impacts upon operational effectiveness. Devises solutions and leads change initiatives, including communication, transition and implementation activities.

Monitors international, national and sector trends to establish the needed capability.

Organisational capability development: Level 7

Level 7 - Set strategy, inspire, mobilise: Essence of the level: Operates at the highest organisational level, determines overall organisational vision and strategy, and assumes accountability for overall success.


Represents and leads organisational capability improvement at the highest level.

Determines the need for strategic organisation-level capability improvement to satisfy the organisation's strategic goals and long-term objectives.

Liaises with the organisation's functions to establish requirements and identifies, proposes, initiates and leads significant organisational capability improvement programmes.

Manages the quality and appropriateness of the work performed and delivers measurable business benefits. Adopts and/or modifies existing capability improvement approaches as necessary.