The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

SFIA View: Data security and quality

Data security and quality


Quality management QUMG


Defining and operating a management framework of processes and working practices to deliver the organisation's quality objectives.

Quality assurance QUAS


Assuring, through ongoing and periodic assessments and reviews, that the organisation’s quality objectives are being met.

Information security SCTY


Defining and operating a framework of security controls and security management strategies.

Information assurance INAS


Protecting against and managing risks related to the use, storage and transmission of data and information systems.

Security operations SCAD


Manages and administers security measures, using tools and intelligence to protect assets, ensuring compliance and operational integrity.

Vulnerability assessment VUAS


Identifying and classifying security vulnerabilities in networks, systems and applications and mitigating or eliminating their impact.

Audit AUDT


Delivering independent, risk-based assessments of the effectiveness of processes, the controls and the compliance environment of an organisation.