The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Records management RMGT


Planning, implementing and managing the full life cycle of organisational records.

SFIA 9 is in development

  • SFIA 9 beta due in early July 2024
  • SFIA 9 planned for publication October 2024

This is a prototype for SFIA 9. It is subject to change before publication.

Disclaimer - prototypes/new skills may be substantially modified prior to launch or may never be released.

Guidance notes


Specific laws and regulations may require organisations to maintain records of certain activities and transactions. Records are typically subject to specific life cycle management activities that include retention, disposal requirements and potentially other controls.

Records are held in many forms including, but not limited to, digital documents, printed material, microform, e-mail, chats, and may be generated by internal or external sources.

Activities may include, but are not limited to:

  • identifying, classifying, valuing, processing, storing, archiving, destroying information and records
  • capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in the form of records
  • implementing systems of cataloguing, metadata, indexing, and classification standards and methods used to identify and organise records
  • ensuring compliance with legal obligations
  • management of records management systems
  • conducting searches for records to comply with internal or external requests

Understanding the responsibility levels of this skill

Where lower levels are not defined...

  • Specific tasks and responsibilities are not defined because the skill requires a higher level of autonomy, influence, and complexity in decision-making than is typically expected at these levels. You can use the essence statements to understand the generic responsibilities associated with these levels.

Where higher levels are not defined...

  • Responsibilities and accountabilities are not defined because these higher levels involve strategic leadership and broader organisational influence that goes beyond the scope of this specific skill. See the essence statements.

Developing skills and demonstrating responsibilities related to this skill

The defined levels show the incremental progression in skills and reponsibilities.

Where lower levels are not defined...

You can develop your knowledge and support others who do have responsibility in this area by:

  • Learning key concepts and principles related to this skill and its impact on your role
  • Performing related skills (see the related SFIA skills)
  • Supporting others with tasks (generic examples are provided by the essence statements for each level)

Where higher levels are not defined...

  • You can progress by developing related skills which are better suited to higher levels of organisational leadership.


Defined at these levels: 1 2 3 4 5

Show/hide extra descriptions and levels.

Records management: Level 1

Level 1 - Follow: Essence of the level: Performs routine tasks under close supervision, follows instructions, and requires guidance to complete their work. Learns and applies basic skills and knowledge.


Follows detailed guidance to acknowledge receipt of records, including the capture of essential metadata.

Delivers digital and physical records in line with agreed procedures.

Records management: Level 2

Level 2 - Assist: Essence of the level: Provides assistance to others, works under routine supervision, and uses their discretion to address routine problems. Actively learns through training and on-the-job experiences.


Assists in the collection, delivery, and retention of records.

Identifies and applies correct metadata.

Uses established methods to transform records between formats or media, following organisational policies and procedures. Remains aware of potential issues when handling information.

Performs administrative tasks to ensure accessibility, retrievability, security, and protection of records.

Records management: Level 3

Level 3 - Apply: Essence of the level: Performs varied tasks, sometimes complex and non-routine, using standard methods and procedures. Works under general direction, exercises discretion, and manages own work within deadlines. Proactively enhances skills and impact in the workplace.


Maintains key metadata for records, including ownership and category information.

Configures routine controls to ensure only approved actions are performed on records.

Conducts routine searches for records needed to support authorised requests. Supports users in finding and accessing records.

Uses ethical and reliable methods to transform data between formats or media, following organisational policies and being aware of potential issues when handling information.

Records management: Level 4

Level 4 - Enable: Essence of the level: Performs diverse complex activities, supports and supervises others, works autonomously under general direction, and contributes expertise to deliver team objectives.


Supports the implementation of records management policies and practices including the approved disposal of records.

Conducts complex or sensitive searches for records to address authorise requests.

Monitors and reports on the implementation of effective controls for records management including metadata and access controls.

Recommends remediation actions as required.

Provides advice and guidance to enable good records management practices to be adopted across the organisation.

Records management: Level 5

Level 5 - Ensure, advise: Essence of the level: Provides authoritative guidance in their field and works under broad direction. Accountable for achieving workgroup objectives and managing work from analysis to execution and evaluation.


Ensures implementation of records management policies covering all aspects of retention and disposal.

Authorises access to records and searches for records.

Approves the release of potentially sensitive records, seeking legal guidance where needed.

Reviews new change proposals and provides specialist advice on records management.

Assesses and manages records-related risks.

Contributes to the development of policy, standards and procedures for compliance with records-related legislation.

Level 6

Level 6 - Initiate, influence: Essence of the level: Has significant organisational influence, makes high-level decisions, shapes policies, demonstrates leadership, fosters organizational collaboration, and accepts accountability in key areas.

Level 7

Level 7 - Set strategy, inspire, mobilise: Essence of the level: Operates at the highest organisational level, determines overall organisational vision and strategy, and assumes accountability for overall success.

New skill