The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

SFIA View: SFIAv9 Software engineering competencies

Skills at a glance

Skills by category
Core software engineering competenciesRequirements definition and management REQM23456
Systems design DESN23456
Software design SWDN23456
Programming/software development PROG23456
Real-time/embedded systems development RESD23456
Methods and tools METL23456
Configuration management CFMG23456
Functional testing TEST123456
Systems integration and build SINT23456
Release management RELM23456
Quality assurance QUAS23456
Measurement MEAS23456
Safety engineering SFEN23456
Application support ASUP2345
Software engineering management competenciesSystems development management DLMG4567
Systems and software life cycle engineering SLEN4567
Project management PRMG4567
Product management PROD23456
Safety assessment SFAS456
Organisational capability development OCDV567
Related enterprise IT competenciesBusiness situation analysis BUSA23456
Feasibility assessment FEAS23456
User research URCH23456
User experience analysis UNAN2345
User experience design HCEV23456
Solution architecture ARCH456
Data modelling and design DTAN2345
Acceptance testing BPTS23456
User experience evaluation USEV23456
Service acceptance SEAC3456
Change control CHMG23456
Incident management USUP12345
Problem management PBMG2345
Portfolio management POMG567
Investment appraisal INVA456
Programme management PGMG67
Product management PROD23456
Benefits management BENM3456
Stakeholder relationship management RLMT4567
Resourcing RESC23456
Performance management PEMT456
Professional development PDSV456
Governance GOVN67
Supplier management SUPP234567
Contract management ITCM234567
Financial management FMIT456