The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

SFIA View: Service management

Service management


Service level management SLMO


Agreeing targets for service levels and assessing, monitoring, and managing the delivery of services against the targets.

Service catalogue management SCMG


Providing a source of consistent information about available services and products to customers and users.

Availability management AVMT


Ensuring that services deliver agreed levels of availability to meet the current and future needs of the business.

Incident management USUP


Coordinating responses to incident reports, minimising negative impacts and restoring service as quickly as possible.

Capacity management CPMG


Ensuring that service components have the capacity and performance to meet current and planned business needs.

Problem management PBMG


Managing the life cycle of all problems that have occurred or could occur in delivering a service.

Change control CHMG


Assessing risks associated with proposed changes and ensuring changes to products, services or systems are controlled and coordinated.

Asset management ASMG


Managing the full life cycle of assets from acquisition, operation, maintenance to disposal.

Service acceptance SEAC


Managing the process to obtain formal confirmation that service acceptance criteria have been met.