SFIA view - Information and cyber security
SFIA provides a well established and trusted skills and competency framework for information and cyber security.
The skills at a glance page provides a one-page summary of the SFIA security related skills and competency levels.
New users of SFIA can...
Reviewing information and cyber security for SFIA 8
We plan to publish SFIA 8 in Q3 2021. The consultation process for SFIA 8 includes a review of how SFIA supports information and cyber security.
Mapping SFIA with security industry frameworks
There are many industry frameworks related to information security and cybersecurity. These mappings help framework users adopt SFIA and help SFIA users access the specialised knowledge in these frameworks.
Everyone has information security responsibilities
SFIA supports the need for individuals and organisations to embed secure working practices into everything they do.
SFIA skills profiles for cyber security roles / career families
SFIA provides a flexible approach to mapping skills to roles and career families.
SFIA as an informative resource for the NIST Cybersecurity framework
Mapping of SFIA 8 skills to the 23 categories and 108 sub-categories in the NIST CSF
Mapping SFIA 8 skills to NICE work roles
The purpose of the mapping is to provide an additional dimension to the comprehensive list of NICE Work roles. This will also help SFIA users adopt NICE work roles.
End to end operating model for security
Security is everyone's responsibility. SFIA provides comprehensive coverage of the skills and competency needed to make this happen.
SFIA skills and information security
Information security is all pervasive. Here's an analysis and commentary on SFIA skills which have a potential relationship or dependency on security.
NICE visualisations
The illustrations show how SFIA - a common language for skills - can be used to support NICE work roles