The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

SFIA View: Data governance

Data governance


Governance GOVN


Defining and operating a framework for making decisions, managing stakeholder relationships, and identifying legitimate authority.

Risk management BURM


Planning and implementing organisation-wide processes and procedures for the management of risk to the success or integrity of the enterprise.

Enterprise and business architecture STPL


Aligning an organisation's technology strategy with its business mission, strategy, and processes and documenting this using architectural models.

Information management IRMG


Enabling the effective management and use of information assets.

Data management DATM


Developing and implementing plans, policies, and practices that control, protect and optimise the value and governance of data assets.

Information and data compliance PEDP


Implementing and promoting compliance with information and data management legislation.

Stakeholder relationship management RLMT


Influencing stakeholder attitudes, decisions, and actions for mutual benefit.

Information systems coordination ISCO


Coordinating information and technology strategies where the adoption of a common approach would benefit the organisation.

Strategic planning ITSP


Creating and maintaining organisational-level strategies to align overall business plans, actions, and resources with high-level business objectives.

Continuity management COPL


Developing, implementing and testing a business continuity framework.