The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Strategic planning ITSP


Creating and maintaining organisational-level strategies to align overall business plans, actions, and resources with high-level business objectives.

SFIA 9 is in development

  • SFIA 9 beta due in early July 2024
  • SFIA 9 planned for publication October 2024

This is a prototype for SFIA 9. It is subject to change before publication.

Guidance notes


This skill is primarily focused on enterprise-wide strategic planning and management, rather than developing strategies for specific technical or functional areas. For senior managers or individuals working on their own technical or functional strategies, this skill may be too broad and high-level. Instead, they may require more specific skills related to their particular domain or area of expertise.

Activities may include, but are not limited to:

  • conducting environmental analyses to inform strategy development
  • collaborating with stakeholders to formulate and implement strategies and action plans
  • using data analytics and digital tools to support strategic decision-making and monitor progress
  • ensuring agility and flexibility in strategy execution to adapt to changing business needs
  • communicating and embedding strategic management through objectives, accountabilities, and progress monitoring
  • continuously reviewing and iterating strategic plans to maintain alignment with business goals

Understanding the responsibility levels of this skill

Where lower levels are not defined...

  • Specific tasks and responsibilities are not defined because the skill requires a higher level of autonomy, influence, and complexity in decision-making than is typically expected at these levels. You can use the essence statements to understand the generic responsibilities associated with these levels.

Where higher levels are not defined...

  • Responsibilities and accountabilities are not defined because these higher levels involve strategic leadership and broader organisational influence that goes beyond the scope of this specific skill. See the essence statements.

Developing skills and demonstrating responsibilities related to this skill

The defined levels show the incremental progression in skills and reponsibilities.

Where lower levels are not defined...

You can develop your knowledge and support others who do have responsibility in this area by:

  • Learning key concepts and principles related to this skill and its impact on your role
  • Performing related skills (see the related SFIA skills)
  • Supporting others with tasks (generic examples are provided by the essence statements for each level)

Where higher levels are not defined...

  • You can progress by developing related skills which are better suited to higher levels of organisational leadership.


Defined at these levels: 4 5 6 7

Show/hide extra descriptions and levels.

Level 1

Level 1 - Follow: Essence of the level: Performs routine tasks under close supervision, follows instructions, and requires guidance to complete their work. Learns and applies basic skills and knowledge.

Level 2

Level 2 - Assist: Essence of the level: Provides assistance to others, works under routine supervision, and uses their discretion to address routine problems. Actively learns through training and on-the-job experiences.

Level 3

Level 3 - Apply: Essence of the level: Performs varied tasks, sometimes complex and non-routine, using standard methods and procedures. Works under general direction, exercises discretion, and manages own work within deadlines. Proactively enhances skills and impact in the workplace.

Strategic planning: Level 4

Level 4 - Enable: Essence of the level: Performs diverse complex activities, supports and supervises others, works autonomously under general direction, and contributes expertise to deliver team objectives.


Contributes to the collection and analysis of information to support strategy development.

Assists in the preparation of reports and insights for strategic planning.

Supports the communication of strategic plans and related change initiatives to relevant stakeholders.

Helps monitor progress against strategic objectives and provides feedback.

Strategic planning: Level 5

Level 5 - Ensure, advise: Essence of the level: Provides authoritative guidance in their field and works under broad direction. Accountable for achieving workgroup objectives and managing work from analysis to execution and evaluation.


Collates information and creates reports and insights to support strategy management processes.

Ensures that all stakeholders are aware of the strategic management approach and timetables. Provides support and guidance to help stakeholders adhere to the approach.

Develops and communicates plans to drive forward the strategy and related change planning.

Contributes to the development of policies, standards and guidelines for strategy development and planning.

Strategic planning: Level 6

Level 6 - Initiate, influence: Essence of the level: Has significant organisational influence, makes high-level decisions, shapes policies, demonstrates leadership, fosters organizational collaboration, and accepts accountability in key areas.


Sets policies, standards, and guidelines for how the organisation conducts strategy development and planning.

Leads and manages the creation or review of a strategy that meets the requirements of the business.

Develops, communicates, implements and reviews the processes which embed strategic management in the operational management of the organisation.

Strategic planning: Level 7

Level 7 - Set strategy, inspire, mobilise: Essence of the level: Operates at the highest organisational level, determines overall organisational vision and strategy, and assumes accountability for overall success.


Leads the definition, implementation, and communication of the organisation’s strategic management framework.

Directs the creation and review of a strategy and plans to support the strategic requirements of the business.