The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Mapping SFIA 8 skills to NICE work roles

The purpose of the mapping is to provide an additional dimension to the comprehensive list of NICE Work roles. This will also help SFIA users adopt NICE work roles.

The US Government's NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework provides a common definition of cybersecurity, a comprehensive list of cybersecurity tasks, and the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform those tasks.

  • you can explore the detail behind these work roles on the NICE website
  • NICE use a more granular approach to skills than SFIA's definitions
  • NICE also list cybersecurity-related tasks, knowledge and abilities.

SFIA & NICE - cybersecurity jobs and job architectures

  • We have developed an approach to support employers defining cybersecurity jobs and a cybersecurity job architecture based on the NICE work roles and SFIA
  • We have used the SFIA responsibility levels and SFIA skills to create a simple tabular mapping to NICE work roles

  • This is a work in progress, prototype of this approach
  • We are looking for feedback from the SFIA and cybersecurity community to develop this further including to extending to a wider range of professional career families
  • Visualising NICE roles and career steps
    • The illustration below shows how SFIA - a common language for skills - can be used to support a range of national and international cybersecurity role frameworks.

    • identify skills and adding levels of roles within the role frameworks

  • Anyone interested in helping to develop this further should contact the SFIA Foundation

infographic levelled NICE roles

Registered users can download the spreadsheet here.


  • The NICE Program Office submitted a report in August 2022 "Measuring Cybersecurity Workforce Capabilities: Defining a Proficiency Scale for the NICE Framework" to Congress
  • They intend to "Establish a workplace-focused NICE Framework proficiency scale that is modeled after the SFIA Levels of Responsibility and incorporates criteria of supervision, complexity, professional skills, knowledge, and influence, to be applied to Competency Areas and Work Roles; and develop a plan to communicate the scale and its application to the NICE Framework to the community of stakeholders"
  • We first published a SFIA-NICE Mapping with the release of SFIA 7 (2019) and this has been updated with the release of SFIA 8 (2021) and now with the release of the NICE Framework Components v 1.0.0

These are the slides.

This mapping has been updated for SFIA 8.

SFIA 8 provided a number of enhancements to support cybersecurity workforce initiatives, including:

  • additional cybersecurity-related skills - such as Vulnerability assessment, Threat intelligence, Vulnerability research
  • additional skill level descriptions for cybersecurity-related skills
  • the information and cyber security view of the SFIA framework
  • enhanced readability across the entire SFIA framework including guidance notes and concise, single-sentence skill descriptions 
If you are not familiar with the SFIA framework...
  • the guiding principles describe how to use SFIA
  • every SFIA skill listed in the table has a full description and skill-at-a-level descriptions. 
  • links are provided to the detailed SFIA skill descriptions

Mapping NICE work roles 1.0.0 to indicative SFIA 8 skills

Also available as a pdf

Oversight and Governance

NICE Work Role NICE Work Role Definition Indicative SFIA Skills
Systems Authorization Responsible for operating an information system at an acceptable level of risk to organizational operations, organizational assets, individuals, other organizations, and the nation. Information management IRMG
Risk management BURM
Information security SCTY
Security Control Assessment Responsible for conducting independent comprehensive assessments of management, operational, and technical security controls and control enhancements employed within or inherited by a system to determine their overall effectiveness.  Information security SCTY
Audit AUDT
Information assurance INAS
Risk management BURM
Cybersecurity Legal Advice Responsible for providing cybersecurity legal advice and recommendations, including monitoring related legislation and regulations. Specialist advice TECH
Privacy Compliance  Responsible for developing and overseeing an organization’s privacy compliance program and staff, including establishing and managing privacy-related governance, policy, and incident response needs. Personal data protection PEDP
Cybersecurity Curriculum Development Responsible for developing, planning, coordinating, and evaluating cybersecurity awareness, training, or education content, methods, and techniques based on instructional needs and requirements. Learning design and development TMCR
Subject formation SUBF
Content authoring INCA
Cybersecurity Instruction Responsible for developing and conducting cybersecurity awareness, training, or education.  Learning delivery ETDL
Teaching TEAC
Learning design and development TMCR
Content authoring INCA
Systems Security Management Responsible for managing the cybersecurity of a program, organization, system, or enclave.  Information security SCTY
Information assurance INAS
Communications Security (COMSEC) Management Responsible for managing the Communications Security (COMSEC) resources of an organization. Information assurance INAS
Vulnerability assessment VUAS
Security operations SCAD
Cybersecurity Workforce Management Responsible for developing cybersecurity workforce plans, assessments, strategies, and guidance, including cybersecurity-related staff training, education, and hiring processes. Makes adjustments in response to or in anticipation of changes to cybersecurity-related policy, technology, and staffing needs and requirements. Authors mandated workforce planning strategies to maintain compliance with legislation, regulation, and policy. Workforce planning WFPL
Professional development PDSV
Learning and development management ETMG
Organisation design and implementation ORDI
Cybersecurity Policy and Planning Responsible for developing and maintaining cybersecurity plans, strategy, and policy to support and align with organizational cybersecurity initiatives and regulatory compliance. Information security SCTY
Information assurance INAS
Organisational capability development OCDV
Workforce planning WFPL

Design and Development

NICE Work Role NICE Work Role Definition Indicative SFIA 8 skills
Secure Software Development Responsible for developing, creating, modifying, and maintaining computer applications, software, or specialized utility programs. Programming/software development PROG
Testing TEST
Software configuration PORT
Real-time/embedded systems development RESD
Systems integration and build SINT
Secure Software Assessor Responsible for analyzing the security of new or existing computer applications, software, or specialized utility programs and delivering actionable results. Vulnerability assessment VUAS
Penetration testing PENT
Enterprise Architecture Responsible for developing and maintaining business, systems, and information processes to support enterprise mission needs. Develops technology rules and requirements that describe baseline and target architectures.  Enterprise and business architecture STPL
Requirements definition and management REQM
Cybersecurity Architecture Responsible for ensuring that security requirements are adequately addressed in all aspects of enterprise architecture, including reference models, segment and solution architectures, and the resulting systems that protect and support organizational mission and business processes. Information security SCTY
Enterprise and business architecture STPL
Solution architecture ARCH
Requirements definition and management REQM
Technology Research and Development Responsible for conducting software and systems engineering and software systems research to develop new capabilities with fully integrated cybersecurity. Conducts comprehensive technology research to evaluate potential vulnerabilities in cyberspace systems.  Vulnerability research VURE
Research RSCH
Emerging technology monitoring EMRG
Specialist advice TECH
Systems Requirements Planning  Responsible for consulting with internal and external customers to evaluate and translate functional requirements and integrating security policies into technical solutions.  Requirements definition and management REQM
User experience analysis UNAN
Solution architecture ARCH
Systems Testing and Evaluation Responsible for planning, preparing, and executing system tests; evaluating test results against specifications and requirements; and reporting test results and findings. Testing TEST
Quality assurance QUAS
Penetration testing PENT
User experience evaluation USEV
Secure Systems Development Responsible for the secure design, development, and testing of systems and the evaluation of system security throughout the systems development life cycle. Information security SCTY
Vulnerability assessment VUAS
Continuity management COPL
Solution architecture ARCH
Systems design DESN
Testing TEST
Penetration testing PENT

Implementation and Operation

NICE Work Role NICE Work Role Definition Indicative SFIA Skills
Database Administration Responsible for administering databases and data management systems that allow for the secure storage, query, protection, and utilization of data. Database administration DBAD
Storage management STMG
Data Analysis  Responsible for analyzing data from multiple disparate sources to provide cybersecurity and privacy insight. Designs and implements custom algorithms, workflow processes, and layouts for complex, enterprise-scale data sets used for modeling, data mining, and research purposes. Data engineering DENG
Data modelling and design DTAN
Requirements definition and management REQM
Data science DATS
Business intelligence BINT
Knowledge Management Responsible for managing and administering processes and tools to identify, document, and access an organization’s intellectual capital. Knowledge management KNOW
Content publishing ICPM
Technical Support  Responsible for providing technical support to customers who need assistance utilizing client-level hardware and software in accordance with established or approved organizational policies and processes. Problem management PBMG
Security operations SCAD
Vulnerability assessment VUAS
System software SYSP
Network support NTAS
System software SYSP
Systems installation and removal HSIN
IT infrastructure ITOP
Network Operations Responsible for planning, implementing, and operating network services and systems, including hardware and virtual environments. System software SYSP
Network support NTAS
Systems installation and removal HSIN
Testing TEST
Systems Administration Responsible for setting up and maintaining a system or specific components of a system in adherence with organizational security policies and procedures. Includes hardware and software installation, configuration, and updates; user account management; backup and recovery management; and security control implementation. Security operations SCAD
IT infrastructure ITOP
Systems installation and removal HSIN
System software SYSP
Testing TEST
Problem management PBMG
Systems Security Analysis Responsible for developing and analyzing the integration, testing, operations, and maintenance of systems security. Prepares, performs, and manages the security aspects of implementing and operating a system. Information security SCTY
Information assurance INAS
Vulnerability assessment VUAS
Testing TEST
Penetration testing PENT
Executive Cybersecurity Leadership Responsible for establishing vision and direction for an organization's cybersecurity operations and resources and their impact on digital and physical spaces. Possesses authority to make and execute decisions that impact an organization broadly, including policy approval and stakeholder engagement. Information security SCTY
Risk management BURM
Information assurance INAS
Program Management  Responsible for leading, coordinating, and the overall success of a defined program. Includes communicating about the program and ensuring alignment with agency or organizational  priorities. Programme management PGMG
Quality management QUMG
Stakeholder relationship management RLMT
Benefits management BENM
Organisational change management CIPM
Supplier management SUPP
Secure Project Management Responsible for overseeing and directly managing technology projects. Ensures cybersecurity is built into projects to protect the organization’s critical infrastructure and assets, reduce risk, and meet organizational goals. Tracks and communicates project status and demonstrates project value to the organization. Project management PRMG
Service level management SLMO
Requirements definition and management REQM
Quality management QUMG
Product Support Management Responsible for planning, estimating costs, budgeting, developing, implementing, and managing product support strategies in order to field and maintain the readiness and operational capability of systems and components. Service level management SLMO
Business situation analysis BUSA
Feasibility assessment FEAS
Requirements definition and management REQM
Technology Portfolio Management Responsible for managing a portfolio of technology investments that align with the overall needs of mission and enterprise priorities. Portfolio management POMG
Investment appraisal INVA
Stakeholder relationship management RLMT
Technology Program Auditing Responsible for conducting evaluations of technology programs or their individual components to determine compliance with published standards.  Audit AUDT
Information assurance INAS
Risk management BURM
Quality assurance QUAS

Protection and Defense

NICE Work Role NICE Work Role Definition Indicative SFIA Skills
Threat Analysis Responsible for collecting, processing, analyzing, and disseminating cybersecurity threat assessments. Develops cybersecurity indicators to maintain awareness of the status of the highly dynamic operating environment. Threat intelligence THIN
Data visualisation VISL
Security operations SCAD
Insider Threat Analysis Responsible for identifying and assessing the capabilities and activities of cybersecurity insider threats; produces findings to help initialize and support law enforcement and counterintelligence activities and investigations. Threat intelligence THIN
Data visualisation VISL
Security operations SCAD
Defensive Cybersecurity Responsible for analyzing data collected from various cybersecurity defense tools to mitigate risks. Threat intelligence THIN
Penetration testing PENT
Digital Forensics  Responsible for analyzing digital evidence from computer security incidents to derive useful information in support of system and network vulnerability mitigation. Digital forensics DGFS
Penetration testing PENT
Vulnerability assessment VUAS
Infrastructure Support Responsible for testing, implementing, deploying, maintaining, and administering infrastructure hardware and software for cybersecurity.  Security operations SCAD
IT infrastructure ITOP
Systems installation and removal HSIN
Network support NTAS
Incident Response Responsible for investigating, analyzing, and responding to network cybersecurity incidents. Incident management USUP
Security operations SCAD
Continuity management COPL
Vulnerability Analysis Responsible for assessing systems and networks to identify deviations from acceptable configurations, enclave policy, or local policy. Measure effectiveness of defense-in-depth architecture against known vulnerabilities. Vulnerability assessment VUAS 
Penetration testing PENT
Measurement MEAS


NICE Work Role NICE Work Role Definition Indicative SFIA Skills
Cybercrime Investigation Responsible for investigating cyberspace intrusion incidents and crimes. Applies tactics, techniques, and procedures for a full range of investigative tools and processes and appropriately balances the benefits of prosecution versus intelligence gathering. Digital forensics DGFS
Digital Evidence Analysis Responsible for identifying, collecting, examining, and preserving digital evidence using controlled and documented analytical and investigative techniques. Digital forensics DGFS

Cyberspace Intelligence

NICE Work Role NICE Work Role Definition Indicative SFIA Skills
All-Source Analysis Responsible for analyzing data and information from one or multiple sources to conduct preparation of the operational environment, respond to requests for information, and submit intelligence collection and production requirements in support of intelligence planning and operations. Threat intelligence THIN
Security operations SCAD
Vulnerability research VURE
All Source-Collection Management Responsible for identifying intelligence collection authorities and environment; incorporating priority information requirements into intelligence collection management; and developing concepts to meet leadership's intent. Determines capabilities of available intelligence collection assets; constructs and disseminates intelligence collection plans; and monitors execution of intelligence collection tasks to ensure effective execution of collection plans. Knowledge management KNOW
Organisational capability development OCDV
Business process improvement BPRE
All Source-Collection Requirements Management Responsible for evaluating intelligence collection operations and developing effects-based collection requirements strategies using available sources and methods to improve collection. Develops, processes, validates, and coordinates submission of intelligence collection requirements. Evaluates performance of intelligence collection assets and operations. Demand management DEMM
Requirements definition and management REQM
Cyber Intelligence Planning Responsible for developing intelligence plans to satisfy cyber operation requirements. Identifies, validates, and levies requirements for intelligence collection and analysis. Participates in targeting selection, validation, synchronization, and execution of cyber actions. Synchronizes intelligence activities to support organization objectives in cyberspace. Threat intelligence THIN
Demand management DEMM
Strategic planning ITSP
Multi-disciplined Language Analysis Responsible for applying language and cultural expertise with target, threat, and technical knowledge to process, analyze, and disseminate intelligence information derived from language, voice, and/or graphic materials. Creates and maintains language-specific databases and working aids to support cyber action execution and ensure critical knowledge sharing. Provides subject matter expertise in foreign language-intensive or interdisciplinary projects. Specialist advice TECH
Knowledge management KNOW
Vulnerability assessment VUAS
Threat intelligence THIN

Cyberspace Effects

NICE Work Role NICE Work Role Definition Indicative SFIA Skills
Exploitation Analysis Responsible for identifying access and intelligence collection gaps that can be satisfied through cyber collection and/or preparation activities. Leverages all authorized resources and analytic techniques to penetrate targeted networks. Threat intelligence THIN
Vulnerability research VURE
Penetration testing PENT
Mission Assessment Responsible for developing assessment plans and performance measures; conducting strategic and operational effectiveness assessments for cyber events; determining whether systems perform as expected; and providing input to the determination of operational effectiveness. Measurement MEAS
Information security SCTY
Information assurance INAS
Threat intelligence THIN
Target Analysis Responsible for conducting target development at the system, component, and entity levels. Builds and maintains electronic target folders to include inputs from environment preparation and/or internal or external intelligence sources. Coordinates with partner target working groups and intelligence community members, and presents candidate targets for vetting and validation. Assesses and reports on damage resulting from the application of military force and coordinates federal support as required. Vulnerability research VURE
Threat intelligence THIN
Knowledge management KNOW
Target Network Analysis Responsible for conducting advanced analysis of collection and open-source data to ensure target continuity; profiling targets and their activities; and developing techniques to gain target information. Determines how targets communicate, move, operate, and live based on knowledge of target technologies, digital networks, and applications. Knowledge management KNOW
Data science DATS
Penetration testing PENT
Cyber Operations Planning Responsible for developing cybersecurity operations plans; participating in targeting selection, validation, and synchronization; and enabling integration during the execution of cyber actions. Security operations SCAD
Threat intelligence THIN
Supplier management SUPP
Partner Integration Planning Responsible for advancing cooperation across organizational or national borders between cyber operations partners. Provides guidance, resources, and collaboration to develop best practices and facilitate organizational support for achieving objectives in integrated cyber actions. Stakeholder relationship management RLMT
Information security SCTY
Knowledge management KNOW
Cyberspace Operations Responsible for gathering evidence on criminal or foreign intelligence entities to mitigate and protect against possible or real-time threats. Conducts collection, processing, and geolocation of systems to exploit, locate, and track targets. Performs network navigation and tactical forensic analysis and executes on-net operations when directed. Threat intelligence THIN
Digital forensics DGFS