The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Competency assessment LEDA

The assessment of knowledge, skills and behaviours by any means whether formal or informal against frameworks such as SFIA. The evaluation, selection, adoption and adaptation of assessment methods, tools, and techniques based on the context of the assessment and how the results of the assessment are to be used. The evaluation of learning or educational activities against defined skills/competency development outcomes.

Moving to SFIA 8 

There is an updated version of this skill for SFIA 8. 

  • The skill descriptions have been edited for readability and guidance notes have been added 
  • Details available here - SFIA 8 Competency assessment
  • SFIA 7 skill descriptions will remain available for you to use 
  • Previous SFIA assessments are not impacted by this change. 

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Levels of responsibility for this skill

Competency assessment: Levels 1-2

This skill is not typically observed or practiced at these levels of responsibility and accountability.

Competency assessment: Level 3

Performs routine skill/competency assessments using specified methods and according to specified standards and ethical principles.

Competency assessment: Level 4

Performs routine and non-routine skill/competency assessments of knowledge, skills and behaviour using specified methods and according to specified standards aligned with ethical, legal and regulatory requirements. Uses the outcomes of assessments and other data to analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of learning/educational activities.

Competency assessment: Level 5

Provides advice and guidance on the selection, adoption and adaption of appropriate assessment methods, tools and techniques based on the context of the assessment and how the results of the assessment are to be used. Manages execution of skill/competency assessments to ensure they deliver the required outcomes with acceptable quality. Ensures assessments follow ethical, legal and regulatory requirements. Manages reviews of the benefits and value of assessment methods and tools. Identifies and recommends improvements to assessment methods and tools. Assesses the effectiveness of learning or educational activities based on the achievement of skill/competency development targets.

Competency assessment: Level 6

Champions the importance and value of skills/competency assessment and of appropriate assessment methods, tools and techniques. Develops organisational policies, standards, and guidelines for skills/competency assessments aligned with ethical, legal and regulatory requirements. Leads in the introduction and use of assessment methodologies and tools. Determines the need for internal and/or external consistency and reliability of assessment outcomes and how this can be achieved across different user groups.

Competency assessment: Level 7

This skill is not typically observed or practiced at this level of responsibility and accountability.