The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

SFIA View: Digital strategy, innovation and investments

Digital strategy, innovation and investments


Strategic planning ITSP


Creating and maintaining organisational-level strategies to align overall business plans, actions, and resources with high-level business objectives.

Innovation INOV


Identifying, prioritising, incubating and exploiting opportunities provided by information, communication and digital technologies.

Emerging technology monitoring EMRG


Identifying and assessing new and emerging technologies, products, services, methods and techniques.

User research URCH


Identifying users' behaviours, needs and motivations using observational research methods.

User experience design HCEV


Producing design concepts and prototypes for user interactions with and experiences of a product, system or service.

Business process improvement BPRE


Creating new and potentially disruptive approaches to performing business activities.

Business situation analysis BUSA


Investigating business situations to define recommendations for improvement action.

Demand management DEMM


Analysing and proactively managing business demand for new services or modifications to existing service features or volumes.

Portfolio management POMG


Developing and applying a management framework to define and deliver a portfolio of programmes, projects and/or ongoing services.

Feasibility assessment FEAS


Defining, evaluating and describing business change options for financial, technical and business feasibility, and strategic alignment.

Investment appraisal INVA


Assessing the attractiveness of possible investments or projects.

Enterprise and business architecture STPL


Aligning an organisation's technology strategy with its business mission, strategy, and processes and documenting this using architectural models.

Product management PROD


Managing and developing products or services through their full life cycle from inception, growth, maturity, decline to retirement.

Marketing management MKTG


Developing, implementing, and managing marketing strategies and plans to achieve organisational objectives and optimise marketing effectiveness.