The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Business process testing BPTS

The planning, design, management, execution and reporting of business process tests and usability evaluations. The application of evaluation skills to the assessment of the ergonomics, usability and fitness for purpose of defined processes. This includes the synthesis of test tasks to be performed (from statement of user needs and user interface specification), the design of an evaluation programme, the selection of user samples, the analysis of performance, and inputting results to the development team.

Moving to SFIA 8

There is an updated version of this skill for SFIA 8.

  • This skill has been re-structured and re-named to make it more encompassing to a range of acceptance testing activities
  • New levels added to reflect working practices and to open up the skill to people and roles outside of typical Enterprise IT roles
  • The skill descriptions have been edited for readability and guidance notes have been added
  • Details available here - SFIA 8 Acceptance testing
  • SFIA 7 skill descriptions will remain available for you to use
  • Previous SFIA assessments will be impacted by this change
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Levels of responsibility for this skill

Business process testing: Levels 1-3

This skill is not typically observed or practiced at these levels of responsibility and accountability.

Business process testing: Level 4

Specifies and develops test scenarios to test that new/updated processes deliver improved ways of working for the end user at the same time as delivering efficiencies and planned business benefits. Records and analyses test results, and reports any unexpected or unsatisfactory outcomes. Uses test plans and outcomes to specify user instructions.

Business process testing: Level 5

Designs and manages tests of new/updated processes. Specifies test environment for whole life-cycle testing (for example, using a model office concept). Manages selection/creation of relevant scenarios for testing and ensures that tests reflect realistic operational business conditions. Ensure tests and results are documented, reported to stakeholders and are available for specification of user instructions. Highlights issues and risks identified during testing to business stakeholders. Provides specialist guidance and advice to less experienced colleagues and users to ensure that test are conducted in an appropriate manner.

Business process testing: Level 6

Is responsible for organisational commitment to high standards in human factors. Specifies ergonomics standards and methods to meet organisational objectives. Sets the policy and standards for business process testing. Manages the design and execution of business process tests, usability evaluations, network and business trials, confidence tests. Maintains an overview of the business environment, required outcomes and potential exposures.

Business process testing: Level 7

This skill is not typically observed or practiced at this level of responsibility and accountability.