The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

SFIA Partner

Institute of IT Professionals New Zealand

IT Professionals NZ is New Zealand's body for software and IT Professionals. With thousands of members, ITP is the largest and most trusted tech body in NZ.

SFIA licence: Mapping, Ratecard

Country: New Zealand


Contact: [email protected]

About Institute of IT Professionals New Zealand

ITP is a not-for-profit Incorporated Society, and works hard to improve both the education and professional development of those broadly working with computers and technology and the computer-related education of the country as a whole. ITP represents around 10,000 tech professionals.

ITP's recognised Te Reo Maori (indigenous New Zealand) name is Te Pou Hangarau Ngaio.

This perfectly describes ITP's role as a support to its members:

  • Te Pou: the centre pole, the central post of a building such as a marae, i.e. the main support
  • Hangarau: the generally accepted word for technology
  • Ngaio: experts or professionals

So Te Pou Hangarau Ngaio means the central pole or structure supporting technology professionals.

ITP's legal name is Institute of IT Professionals New Zealand Incorporated.