Latest news from the SFIA Foundation and SFIA users.
2020 Summer Mentoring Session in Melbourne
Whilst it might not like feel like it with the weather in Melbourne yesterday, it’s still summer and that means, time for another Summer Mentoring Session.
SFIA Skills Self Assessment
Many users have asked for guidance on skills assessment and want to use SFIA as the internationally recognised, de-facto standard to assess, benchmark and recognise the skills for ICT, digital transformation and software engineering professionals.
SFIA Views
The use of SFIA views enable a quick start approach to using SFIA in focused situations.
SFIA newsletter - December 2019
Here is an update about the activities of the SFIA Foundation over 2019.
SFIA - EU ICT Professional Role Profiles
As part of our collaboration, the SFIA Foundation has published SFIA competency profiles for the European Union (EU) ICT professional profiles.
SFIA and Bodies of Knowledge
SFIA is driven by its global user base from over 180 countries; many have requested more guidance and in response SFIA has published extra guidance and explanation on knowledge and also made links to various BoKs.
SFIA 7 Translations
SFIA 7 - The global common language for skills and competencies available in your language
SFIA newsletter - September 2019
Publication of guidelines for SFIA self assessments.
SFIA 7 launched - May 2018
SFIA 7 - the seventh major version of the Skills Framework for the Information Age.
Skills update November 2016
SFIA – your flexible friend, From IT Specialist to Business Leader, SFIA Event in London and more...
Skills update December 2015
The appointment of a new SFIA Operations Manager, Global News and more...
Skills update May 2015
SFIA version 6 preview, SFIA at British Gas, and more.
Skills update November 2014
Using SFIA for role definition and development, bridging the gap between HR and IT, and more.
Skills update July 2014
Converting existing job descriptions to SFIA, and more.
Skills update January 2014
Making SFIA useful through technology, SFIA 6 consultation announced, and more.
Skills update April 2013
Skills for Digital Business conference report, Australia, and more.
Skills update December 2012
SFIA Forum growing, SFIA in Chile, roles into skills, and more.
Skills update August 2012
South Australia Government using SFIA, IEEE adopts SFIA, UK government, and more.
Skills Update June 2010
CompTIA join as SFIA partners and more.
Skills update October 2009
SFIA available in Spanish, and more.