SFIA and Bodies of Knowledge
SFIA is driven by its global user base from over 180 countries; many have requested more guidance and in response SFIA has published extra guidance and explanation on knowledge and also made links to various BoKs.
The SFIA skills and competency framework has always recognised the place for knowledge as one part in developing the workforce for current and future needs.
This work has initially focussed on the BoKs from our partner organisations and, in particular, the IEEE-CS around Software Engineering, for example.
The SFIA Framework does not replace BoKs - it complements them, providing a skills framework for their use.
Additional BoKs are being identified to provide this useful resource for those organisations and individuals actively developing their skills and competencies.
For further information or to provide useful BoKs for this resource contact SFIA Foundation General Manager or SFIA Updtes Manager