The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Information content publishing ICPM

The evaluation and application of different publishing methods and options, recognising key features, including open source and proprietary options. The management and tuning of the processes that collect, assemble and publish information, including in unstructured and semi-structured forms, for delivery to the user. The management of copyright, data protection and other legal issues associated with publishing and re-use of published information and data.

Moving to SFIA 8 

There is an updated version of this skill for SFIA 8. 

  • The skill descriptions have been edited for readability and guidance notes have been added 
  • Details available here - SFIA 8 Content publishing
  • SFIA 7 skill descriptions will remain available for you to use 
  • Previous SFIA assessments are not impacted by this change. 
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Levels of responsibility for this skill

Information content publishing: Level 1

Contributes, under instruction, to publication support activities and supports the collation of data. Uses established publishing processes according to appropriate guidelines, for example, to release, retire or convert content into a format suitable for publication.

Information content publishing: Level 2

Understands technical publication concepts, tools and methods and the way in which these are used. Uses agreed procedures to publish content. Obtains and analyses usage data and presents it effectively. Understands, and applies principles of usability and accessibility to published information.

Information content publishing: Level 3

Coordinates content management processes to meet the needs of users, including those with disabilities. Uses content publishing systems to manage published content across different channels. Takes into account any legal issues related to publishing, including that associated copyright concerns are adequately managed.

Information content publishing: Level 4

Maintains and updates content management processes to meet the needs of users including those with disabilities. Selects appropriate channels through which content should be published, providing advice to users and content authors to leverage the features of the relevant channels and tools used. Applies propriety guidelines and uses appropriate tools and techniques to provide publishing interfaces to new or existing platforms and applications. Identifies the implications of copyright, data protection and other legal issues associated with publishing.

Information content publishing: Level 5

Develops standards and procedures to support content publishing across one or more platforms/channels in a form accessible to all potential users, including those with disabilities. Leads publishing activities and assignments, ensuring design of the overall structure and graphical style as well as the publication processes comply with agreed policies and strategies. Understands the range of publishing options available and advises on specification and procurement, taking account of the key costs and benefits of different channels and applying objective measures of effectiveness. Selects tools, templates and standards appropriate to customer expectations (differentiating, for example, between needs such as optimisation and ease of modification). Ensures that any legal issues related to publishing, including associate copyright concerns are adequately managed.

Information content publishing: Level 6

Develops the overall strategy for the delivery of information and knowledge, including preferred media, overall information structure, and rules for formatting content to meet the needs of the organisation and its desired audience(s). Ensures that adequate procedures, standards, tools and resources are in place to ensure the appropriate quality of material published by or on behalf of the organisation and it is in a form accessible to all potential users, including those with disabilities. Ensures that any legal issues related to publishing, including associate copyright concerns, are adequately managed.

Information content publishing: Level 7

This skill is not typically observed or practiced at this level of responsibility and accountability.