The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Research RSCH

The systematic creation of new knowledge by data gathering, innovation, experimentation, evaluation and dissemination. The determination of research goals and the method by which the research will be conducted. The active participation in a community of researchers; communicating formally and informally through digital media, conferences, journals, books and seminars.

Moving to SFIA 8 

There is an updated version of this skill for SFIA 8. 

  • The skill descriptions have been edited for readability and guidance notes have been added 
  • Details available here - SFIA 8 Research 
  • SFIA 7 skill descriptions will remain available for you to use 
  • Previous SFIA assessments are not impacted by this change. 


Defined at these levels: 2 3 4 5 6

Research: Level 1

This skill is not typically observed or practiced at this level of responsibility and accountability.

Research: Level 2

Within given research goals, assists in selection and review of credible and reliable resources. Searches for relevant material using specialised websites and sources, reads relevant articles to update knowledge of the relevant field.

Reports on work carried out and may contribute sections of material of publication quality. Curates, under guidance, a personal collection of relevant material.

Research: Level 3

Within given research goals, builds on and refines appropriate outline ideas for research, including evaluation, development, demonstration and implementation. Applies standard methods to collect and analyse quantitative and qualitative data. Creates research reports to communicate research methodology and findings and conclusions. Contributes sections of material of publication quality. Uses available resources to update knowledge of any relevant field and curates a personal collection of relevant material. Participates in research communities.

Research: Level 4

Builds on and refines appropriate outline ideas for the evaluation, development, demonstration and implementation of research. Contributes to research goals and funding proposals. Collects and analyses qualitative and quantitative data as required. Creates research reports to communicate research methodology, findings and conclusions. Presents papers at conferences, contribute significant sections of material of publication quality, and presents reports to clients. Contributes to research plans and identifies appropriate opportunities for publication and dissemination of research findings. Makes an active contribution to research communities.

Research: Level 5

Agrees research goals and methods and performs research projects to generate original and worthwhile ideas. Attracts and manages external research funding.

Provides advice and guidance on research methods, data collection, data analysis and the presentation of research findings. Selects, adopts and adapts data collection tools and techniques for both qualitative and quantitative data. Maintains a strong external network within own area of specialism and takes a leading part in professional activities outside own employing organisation. Presents papers at significant conferences, writes articles for publication in high quality specialist journals, and presents reports to key stakeholders. Develops, reviews and constructively criticises the research and ideas of others. Develops and shares practical demonstrations of research findings.

Research: Level 6

Develops the organisation's research policy and supervises the work of research functions. Promotes activities externally, attracts and manages significant portfolios of research funding. Sets research goals and authorises research proposals. Leads strategic and/or interdisciplinary research projects. Maintains a strong external network reaching beyond own immediate area of specialism and takes a leading part in professional activities outside own employing organisation. Presents position or keynote papers at major conferences, writes journal articles for publication in high impact journals, and presents reports to major clients.

Research: Level 7

This skill is not typically observed or practiced at this level of responsibility and accountability.