The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

#1360 Transfer communication skills from "Business skills" to "Influence" change request accepted

Remove references to communication and leadership skills that are found under "Business skills" over to "Influence" in the 7 levels. Allthough communication and leadership are both important parts of business skills and influence, it can be argued that it is more importantly tied to influence. Buesiness skills is very broad, and influence is defintly part of business skills, but since they are to distinct skills in SFIA levels we suggest to correspond communication and leadership skills to "influence".

Level 1

Move "Has sufficient communication skills for effective dialogue with others." from "business skills" to "Influence"

Level 2

Move "Has sufficient communication skills for effective dialogue with customers, suppliers and partners"  from "business skills" to "Influence".

Level 3

Move "Demonstrates effective communication skills." from "business skills" to "Influence".

Level 4

Move "Communicates fluently, orally and in writing, and can present complex information to both technical and non-technical audiences." from "business skills" to "Influence".

Level 5 

Move "Demonstrates leadership. Communicates effectively, both formally and informally" from "business skills" to "Influence".

Level 6

Move "Demonstrates clear leadership. Communicates effectively at all levels to both technical and non-technical audiences." from "business skills" to "Influence".

Level 7

No change necessary.

Proposed change applies to Level 1 - Follow

Current status of this request: accepted

What we decided

Include in review of generic attributes and levels of responsibility for SFIA 8.