The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

#1447 System software SYSP absorbed into IT infrastructure ITOP change request declined

The skills in 'System software" (SYSP) that relate to software updates are covered in the proposed SFIA 8 "IT infrastructure" (ITOP). If the proposed ITOP changes are implemented, SYSP is no longer required in SFIA.

In SFIA v7, the activities described in SYSP overlap with ITOP, although ITOP doesn't refer to software updates explicitly. 

However, when SYSP was examined in the general SFIA 8 review for skills readability, some issues were apparent:

  • SYSP Level 3 description "Carries out agreed system software maintenance tasks." is already entirely covered by ITOP Level 3 ("Carries out agreed operational procedures, including infrastructure configuration, installation and maintenance.)

Therefore SYSP Level 3 is not needed

  • SYSP Level 4, " Reviews system software updates and identifies those that merit action.  Tailors system software to maximise hardware functionality." and
    SYSP Level 5 "
    Evaluates new system software, reviews system software updates and identifies those that merit action.  Ensures that system software is tailored to facilitate the achievement of service objectives."

    are not sufficiently different to distinguish the levels of responsibility. 

Therefore, without Level 3, SYSP has effectively only one skill level. 

  • The overall description for SYSP says that the skill is " The provision of specialist expertise ...", which appears to be a specific instance of "Specialist advice" (TECH), rather than a distinct skill in its own right. 

A significant refresh of ITOP is proposed for SFIA 8 (CRs #1432, #1434).  By ensuring that software updates (and other infrastructure updates) are included in ITOP, then SYSP would no longer be required as a separate SFIA skill. 

In the SFIA 8 Beta version of ITOP:

  • Guidance notes include "maintaining and enhancing the IT infrastructure and infrastructure components", which would include managing and applying software updates
  • The new ITOP Level 5 includes "Oversees the planning, installation, maintenance and acceptance of new and modified infrastructure components and infrastructure based services."

ITOP does not explicitly refer to 'software updates' but uses a broader description instead, which includes IaaS, SaaS, etc. services as well as installed HW/SW infrastructure components.

Proposed change applies to System software

Current status of this request: declined

What we decided

SYSP re-instated and updated following feedback during SFIA 8 beta period.