Service acceptance SEAC
The achievement of formal confirmation that service acceptance criteria have been met, and that the service provider is ready to operate the new service when it has been deployed. (Service acceptance criteria are used to ensure that a service meets the defined service requirements, including functionality, operational support, performance and quality requirements).
Moving to SFIA 8
There is an updated version of this skill for SFIA 8.
- The skill descriptions have been edited for readability and guidance notes have been added
- Details available here - SFIA 8 Strategic planning
- SFIA 7 skill descriptions will remain available for you to use
- Previous SFIA assessments are not impacted by this change.
Levels of responsibility for this skill
4 | 5 | 6 |
Service acceptance: Levels 1-3
This skill is not typically observed or practiced at these levels of responsibility and accountability.
Service acceptance: Level 4
Engages with project management to confirm that products developed meet the service acceptance criteria and are to the required standard. Feeds into change management processes.
Service acceptance: Level 5
Engages with technical design and project managers or Project Management Office, to ensure correct products are produced, in a timely fashion. Evaluates the quality of project outputs against agreed service acceptance criteria.
Service acceptance: Level 6
Owns the transition process, develops the organisation's approach and defines the acceptance criteria for service transition. Promotes and monitors project quality outputs to ensure they are fit for purpose and fit for use within operational service.
Actively engages with technical design and project managers to promote awareness and compliance with service transition quality plans and processes. Agrees the service acceptance criteria with project/programme managers.
Service acceptance: Level 7
This skill is not typically observed or practiced at this level of responsibility and accountability.