The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Using the SFIA DevOps view

The DevOps view of SFIA skills has been developed to provide a quick start identification of the SFIA skills which are most relevant/illustrative for the skills needed for organisations to adopt and operate DevOps working practices.

  • This view of SFIA identifies 20 to 30 professional skills related to DevOps within the complete SFIA framework of over 100 skills.
  • We review the content of the SFIA framework regularly. For the latest release we refreshed and updated the content to capture the professional skills needed for DevOps - whether for leading, managing or executing the adoption of effective DevOps practices.
  • This selection of skills reflects that successful approaches to DevOps needs much more than simply deploying technical tools to automate development and operational IT tasks. So in this view of DevOps SFIA skills, there is a big emphasis on the skills (management and leadership) needed to develop and sustain culture and organisational capabilities for DevOps
  • SFIA's design has built-in levels of responsibility in all of its skill definitions. This provides direct support to organisational design, recruitment and deployment. Ensuring that far more than technical knowledge will form part of the new culture needed to exploit DevOps tools and technical working practices.

As with all applications of SFIA; you should consider this view against your specific organisational context and business objectives.

  • The intention is not to draw a hard boundary around these skills or to imply that other SFIA skills aren't appropriate. Once you have familiarised yourself with this view; it is likely that you will refer to the full SFIA framework for additional and complementary skill definitions.
  • The full SFIA reference guide and a spreadsheet version of all skill descriptions available to download. You will need to  register as a user on the site first but that is a very simple process.
  • This website provides advice and guidance on the adoption of SFIA.
  • There is also an active global ecosystem of SFIA Partners, SFIA Consultants and Practitioners. They are available for advice on adopting SFIA. Full details are available here.
  • If you represent a professional body or a framework owner and would like to collaborate with the SFIA Foundation on the development of additional SFIA views; please contact the