The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Data modelling and design DTAN

The development of models to represent and communicate data requirements and to enable organisations to understand their data assets and the relationships between real-world entities. The investigation, analysis and scoping of data requirements to support the development of software systems, data integration and data retrieval activities. The iteration, review and maintenance of data requirements and data models.

Moving to SFIA 8 

There is an updated version of this skill for SFIA 8. 

  • SFIA 7 skill descriptions will remain available for you to use 
  • Previous SFIA assessments are not impacted by this change. 

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Levels of responsibility for this skill

Data modelling and design: Level 1

This skill is not typically observed or practiced at this level of responsibility and accountability.

Data modelling and design: Level 2

Applies data analysis, design, and modelling techniques to establish, modify or maintain a data structure and its associated components (entity descriptions, relationship descriptions, attribute definitions).

Data modelling and design: Level 3

Applies data analysis, design, modelling, and quality assurance techniques, based upon a detailed understanding of business processes, to establish, modify or maintain data structures and associated components (entity descriptions, relationship descriptions, attribute definitions). Advises database designers and other application development team members on the details of data structures and associated components.

Data modelling and design: Level 4

Investigates corporate data requirements, and applies data analysis, design, modelling, and quality assurance techniques, to establish, modify or maintain data structures and their associated components (entity descriptions, relationship descriptions, attribute definitions). Provides advice and guidance to database designers and others using the data structures and associated components.

Data modelling and design: Level 5

Sets standards for data modelling and design tools and techniques, advises on their application, and ensures compliance. Manages the investigation of corporate data requirements, and co-ordinates the application of data analysis, design and modelling techniques, based upon a detailed understanding of the corporate information requirements, in order to establish, modify or maintain data structures and their associated components (entity descriptions, relationship descriptions, attribute definitions). Manages the iteration, review and maintenance of data requirements and data models.

Data modelling and design: Levels 6-7

This skill is not typically observed or practiced at these levels of responsibility and accountability.