#1310 Update LEDA to better reflect skills/competency assessment for use in determining suitability for a role and/or development. change request accepted
Enhance LEDA (Competence Assessment) to additionally be explicit for skills/competency assessment to be used for suitability for a defined role or for the professional development of an individual.
Skills Definition to read as is with the last sentence changed to "The skills/competency assessment may be for the evaluation of learning or educational activities against defined requirements or it may be to identify the suitability of an individual for a particular role or as part of an individual's professional development.
Level 4 - Suggest:
Level Definition to read as is with the last sentence changed to "Uses the outcomes of assessments and other data to analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of learning/educational activities or to identify the suitability of an individual for a particular role or to help identify and plan the development of others.
Level 3 - Suggest:
Remain unchanged.
Not only does this change help to encourage skill/competency assessment for the purposes of professional development is also support, as a core skill, for any skills assessor role.
Proposed change applies to Competency assessment
Current status of this request: accepted
What we decided
This will help a broader understanding of when to apply this skill.
What we changed
- Skill descriptions reworded.
- Guidance notes added.