#63 Include responsibilities for Diversity and Inclusion change request deferred
Promoting and supporting diversity in the workplace is an important aspect of good people management - it’s about valuing everyone in the organisation as an individual. To realise the benefits of a diverse workforce it’s vital to have an inclusive environment where everyone feels able to participate and achieve their potential regardless of age, disability, race, religion, gender and sexual orientation among others.
In the world of IT - this is relevant far beyond the "moral" case. It includes closing both industry skills gaps and organisational skills gaps, understanding diverse customer needs and requirements, creating a highly engaged and productive workforce, effective collaboration and teamwork, good practice (e.g. eliminating unintentional bias) when recruiting, resourcing, performing skills assessment, user experience etc
Suggest some wording added to the Business Skills generic responsibilities - definitely at the higher end but possible at lower levels as well.
Definitions (from CIPD)
Diversity is where difference is recognised and emphasised, but not actively leveraged to drive organisational success. There is acknowledgement of the benefit of having a range of perspectives in decision-making and the workforce being representative of the organisation’s customers.
Inclusion is where difference is seen as a benefit to use, and where perspectives and differences are shared, leading to better decisions. An inclusive working environment is one in which everyone feels valued, that their contribution matters and they are able to perform to their potential, no matter their background, identity or circumstances. Essentially it enables a diverse range of people to work together effectively.
Current status of this request: deferred
What we decided
Deferred. Additions made to generic business skills level 6 & 7. There maybe more to be done.
Will be kept in the backlog of change requests and considered during continuous consultation.
See also change request #49.
What we changed
Additions made to generic business skills level 6 & 7.