#1300 Extend some skills down to Level 3 change request accepted
Capturing this as reported to me some time ago. A number of skills would be useful to have a Level 3 as a recognition of achievement for apprenticeships.
Kevin Streater has requested that we investigate extending a number of skills down to Level 3. This is to align with apprenticeships and possibly also Level 3 certification by the professional bodies. Practicing these skills with autonomy and influence at Level 3 would likely be under the guidance of a Level 4 or above, however a successful apprenticeship would likely result in Level 3 generics and require a number of slills that currently do now go down below level 4.
a small number of skills arelikely to be affected by this KS to advise the set.
Current status of this request: accepted
What we decided
We will work closely with apprenticeship scheme designers to reflect industry apprenticeship roles and their corresponding SFIA skills and levels.
Where there are gaps - we will propose new skills/levels.