The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

#1313 Alignment with ISCO-08 change request deferred

Consideration should be given to the relationship between SFIA and ISCO-08. the International Standard Classification of Occupations.

Consideration should be given to the relationship between SFIA and ISCO-08. the International Standard Classification of Occupations. ISCO-08 defines a job as "a set of tasks and duties performed, or meant to be performed, by one person, including for an employer or in self employment". Whilst SFIA does try to define jobs or roles, the skill descriptions contact tasks or activities, and therefore we need to think about the relationship between these two. For example, we could do a mapping of the occupations in ISCO-08 to the SFIA skills that match the tasks listed in ISCO-08. Checking these tasks might also be a useful double-check that we haven't missed any areas that should be covered by SFIA.

Current status of this request: deferred

What we decided

A mapping to ISCO-08 for SFIA 7 skills has been posted as a community resource. 

Gernot Friedrich
Feb 02, 2021 08:23 AM

I would support this request. The NATO Occupational Codes (NOCs) use elements from both ISCO and SFIA. The more these two standards could be aligned/mapped the better.