The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

SFIA View: APO05 - Managed Portfolio

APO05 - Managed Portfolio

Benefits management BENM

Establishing an approach for forecasting, planning and monitoring the emergence and effective realisation of anticipated benefits. Identifying and implementing the actions needed to optimise the business impact of individual and combined benefits. The confirmation of the achievement of expected benefits.

Portfolio management POMG

The development and application of a systematic management framework to define and deliver a portfolio of programmes, projects and/or ongoing services, in support of specific business strategies and objectives. Includes the implementation of a strategic investment appraisal and decision making process based on a clear understanding of cost, risk, inter-dependencies, and impact on existing business activities, enabling measurement and objective evaluation of potential changes and the benefits to be realised. The prioritisation of resource utilisation and changes to be implemented. The regular review of portfolios. The management of the service pipeline (proposed or in development), service catalogue (live or available for deployment) and retired services.

Portfolio, programme and project support PROF

The provision of support and guidance on portfolio, programme and project management processes, procedures, tools and techniques. Support includes definition of portfolios, programmes, and projects; advice on the development, production and maintenance of business cases; time, resource, cost and exception plans, and the use of related software tools. Tracking and reporting of programme/project progress and performance are also covered, as is the capability to facilitate all aspects of portfolio/ programme/ project meetings, workshops and documentation.