The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Illustrative Example - Application of CIPM and OCEN with AI adoption

Organisational change enablement (OCEN) and Organisational change management (CIPM) working in tandem

Illustrative Example: Adoption of AI in an Organisation

Scenario: A mid-sized company is looking to adopt AI technology to improve its operational efficiency, customer service, and data analytics capabilities. This involves significant changes in processes, workflows, and employee roles. The company needs to manage the technical implementation of AI while ensuring that its employees are ready and able to embrace these changes.

Organisational Change Enablement (OCEN) and Organisational Change Management (CIPM) Working in Tandem

Organisational Change Management (CIPM)

Objective: Plan, design, and implement the transition to AI technology, ensuring that the technical and operational changes are effectively managed.


  1. Develop a Business Change Implementation Plan:

    • Identify changes to processes, procedures, systems, and structures needed for AI adoption.
    • Create a timeline and allocate resources for the AI integration project.
  2. Structured Change Process:

    • Use a structured methodology to manage the transition, including change readiness assessments and risk management.
    • Identify key business cycles and plan around them to minimise disruption.
  3. Engagement and Communication:

    • Tailor communication strategies to keep all stakeholders informed and engaged.
    • Provide regular updates on progress, milestones, and any issues encountered.
    • Use targeted communication for different stakeholder groups to ensure clarity and alignment.
  4. Training and Capability Development:

    • Develop training programmes to equip employees with the skills needed to work with AI technologies.
    • Assess and build the change management capabilities of the project team and stakeholders.
  5. Monitoring and Sustaining Change:

    • Monitor the impact of the AI implementation and make adjustments as necessary.
    • Establish mechanisms to sustain and embed the changes in the organisation.

Organisational Change Enablement (OCEN)

Objective: Facilitate the cultural and behavioural changes needed for the successful adoption of AI, ensuring that individuals and teams are supported and enabled throughout the transition.


  1. Engagement Sessions:

    • Facilitate sessions with leaders and managers to secure their commitment to the AI initiative.
    • Help leaders understand the cultural shifts required and how to model supportive behaviours.
  2. Communication Plans:

    • Develop comprehensive communication plans to keep employees informed and engaged.
    • Use multiple channels to ensure the message reaches all parts of the organisation.
    • Foster open dialogue to address concerns and feedback from employees at all levels.
  3. Support for Individuals and Teams:

    • Provide resources and ongoing support to help employees adapt to new AI-driven processes.
    • Create safe spaces for employees to express concerns and explore challenges associated with the change.
  4. Change Agents and Networks:

    • Establish networks of change agents to champion AI adoption across the organisation.
    • Support these change agents with training and resources to drive engagement at all levels.
  5. Behavioural Change Monitoring:

    • Advise leaders on monitoring behavioural changes and addressing challenges that arise.
    • Use feedback mechanisms to assess the effectiveness of the change enablement efforts and make necessary adjustments.
  6. Development of Skills and Behaviours:

    • Enable employees to develop the necessary skills, knowledge, and behaviours to work effectively with AI.
    • Provide coaching and support to help teams embrace the new ways of working.

Combined Effort in AI Adoption

  1. Initial Planning:

    • CIPM develops a detailed change implementation plan, identifying technical requirements and key milestones.
    • OCEN facilitates initial engagement sessions to secure leadership commitment and begins communicating the vision for AI adoption.
  2. Preparation and Training:

    • CIPM coordinates the development of training programmes for AI tools and processes.
    • OCEN supports employees in developing the necessary skills and behaviours, providing resources and creating safe environments for learning.
  3. Implementation:

    • CIPM manages the technical integration of AI, ensuring processes and systems are aligned.
    • OCEN continuously engages with employees, addressing concerns, and supporting teams in adapting to new workflows.
  4. Monitoring and Feedback:

    • CIPM monitors the technical progress and assesses the impact on business operations.
    • OCEN gathers feedback on cultural and behavioural aspects, making adjustments to support mechanisms as needed.
  5. Sustaining Change:

    • CIPM ensures the change management practices are embedded to support ongoing AI integration.
    • OCEN works on embedding the cultural changes, reinforcing new behaviours, and maintaining high levels of engagement and support.

By working together, CIPM and OCEN ensure a holistic approach to AI adoption, addressing both the technical and human aspects of the change. This coordinated effort helps the organisation achieve its strategic goals while maintaining a supportive and adaptable work environment.