The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Configuration management CFMG

The planning, management, control and governance of organisational, project and service assets and artefacts. The identification, classification and specification of configuration items (CIs) and their inter-relationships. Identifying the configuration and version of source code, software, systems, documents and service dependent CIs at distinct points in time. Systematically controlling changes to the configuration and maintaining the integrity and traceability of the configuration throughout the project, system and/or service life cycle. Identifying and documenting the functional and physical characteristics of CIs, controlling changes to those characteristics, recording and reporting change processing and implementation status. Verifying and auditing CIs for data quality and compliance with specified internal and external requirements.

Moving to SFIA 8 

There is an updated version of this skill for SFIA 8. 

  • SFIA 7 skill descriptions will remain available for you to use 
  • Previous SFIA assessments are not impacted by this change. 

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Levels of responsibility for this skill

Configuration management: Level 1

This skill is not typically observed or practiced at this level of responsibility and accountability.

Configuration management: Level 2

Applies tools, techniques and processes to administer, track, log, report on and correct configuration items, components and changes. Assists with audits to check the accuracy of information and undertakes any necessary corrective action under direction.

Configuration management: Level 3

Applies tools, techniques and processes to track, log and correct information related to configuration items. Verifies and approves changes ensuring protection of assets and components from unauthorised change, diversion and inappropriate use. Ensures that users comply with identification standards for object types, environments, processes, lifecycles, documentation, versions, formats, baselines, releases and templates. Performs audits to check the accuracy of information and undertakes any necessary corrective action under direction.

Configuration management: Level 4

Proposes and agrees the configuration items (CIs) to be uniquely identified with naming conventions. Ensures that operational processes are in place to maintain secure configuration, consistent classification and management of CIs, and for the verification and audit of configuration records. Develops, configures and maintains tools (including automation) to identify, track, log and maintain accurate, complete and current information. Reports on the status of configuration management. Identifies problems and issues and recommend corrective actions.

Configuration management: Level 5

Agrees scope of configuration management processes and the configuration items (CIs) and related information to be controlled. Identifies, evaluates and manages the adoption of appropriate tools, techniques and processes (including automation) for configuration management to ensure information is complete, current and accurate. Plans the capture and management of CIs and related information. Contributes to development of configuration management strategies, policies, standards, and guidelines.

Configuration management: Level 6

Develops configuration management strategies, policies, standards, and guidelines. Champions the importance and value of configuration management and develops new methods and organisational capabilities (including automation) for configuration management. Provides resources to drive adoption of, and adherence to, policies and standards. Measures and monitors adherence to standards and ensures consistent execution of the process across the organisation.

Configuration management: Level 7

This skill is not typically observed or practiced at this level of responsibility and accountability.