June 2023 - SFIA update
Skills first | Tools v skills? | User stories | Sharing logos
Estimated reading time - 2 min, 7 secs.
Skills First: A framework for action
- The World Economic Forum's recently published white paper, "Skills First: A Framework for Action," advocates for a common skills language, an area where SFIA excels.
- SFIA's proven track record extends over 20 years of global use and continuous development, making it a reliable resource for both educational institutions and businesses.
- Find more details on the SFIA Foundation LinkedIn page
Share your story: SFIA user story webinars
- Our user story webinars provide a platform for SFIA users to share their experiences and insights.
- If you're interested in presenting, we'll provide all the support you need to make it a smooth experience.
Please get in touch with ideas for webinars of if you have a topic you would like to present at a SFIA webinar.
Show your support for SFIA: Sharing logos
- Public support enhances SFIA's visibility and increase adoption of the SFIA Framework.
- We're inviting SFIA users to publicly support SFIA. If you're interested in featuring your organization's logo on the SFIA website and sharing the SFIA Foundation logo on your own site, please let us know.
Making SFIA easier to consume - specific tools and technologies
- Are your people and teams heavily focused on specific tools and technologies? For example in software engineering, data engineering, cloud-based software development, infrastructure engineers, cybersecurity engineers.
- We want to help you use SFIA in this context. SFIA adds value to a the lists of tools and technologies which technology teams typically use for managing their skills. By matching their own tools and technologies with SFIA skill definitions and behavioural factors, SFIA users can enhance skills-based job analysis, professional development and career planning. SFIA provides the 'verbs' - the actions and impacts associated with these tools and technologies.
- The SFIA framework identifies enduring professional skills that are reusable across different tools and technologies, offering a comprehensive understanding of an individual's or team's capabilities. This focus on work-based activities and responsibilities facilitates reskilling when new tools and technologies are adopted.
- The SFIA level descriptions can be used in conjunction with the sources like LinkedIn, Lightcast/Burning Glass, Workday which provide thousands of skill labels. SFIA offers an outcomes-focused framework that defines the work-based activities and responsibilities associated with these skills.
- We invite you to get in touch if you're interested in participating in this initiative or if you have specific use cases for SFIA.
Making SFIA easier to consume - website updates
- In alignment with our strategic imperatives, we're working towards making SFIA easier to consume. This includes updating our website content and structure.
- We've introduced a contemporary design and improved navigation to facilitate a smoother user experience. These updates will not impact your saved URLs and bookmarks.
- We will be doing more and we want to make things more visual to help you get the most out of SFIA
- We value your feedback in creating a more user-friendly experience for the entire SFIA community. If you have any suggestions or encounter any issues, please get in touch.
Thank you for your continued support and engagement in shaping SFIA's evolution.
SFIA Updates Manager