Project management PRMG
The management of projects, typically (but not exclusively) involving the development and implementation of business processes to meet identified business needs, acquiring and utilising the necessary resources and skills, within agreed parameters of cost, timescales, and quality.
Levels of responsibility for this skill
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Project management: Levels 1-3
This skill is not typically observed or practiced at these levels of responsibility and accountability.
Project management: Level 4
Defines, documents and carries out small projects or sub-projects (typically less than six months, with limited budget, limited interdependency with other projects, and no significant strategic impact), alone or with a small team, actively participating in all phases. Identifies, assesses and manages risks to the success of the project. Agrees project approach with stakeholders, and prepares realistic plans (including quality, risk and communications plans) and tracks activities against the project schedule, managing stakeholder involvement as appropriate. Monitors costs, timescales and resources used, and takes action where these deviate from agreed tolerances. Ensures that own projects are formally closed and, where appropriate, subsequently reviewed, and that lessons learned are recorded.
Project management: Level 5
Takes full responsibility for the definition, approach, facilitation and satisfactory completion of medium-scale projects (typically with direct business impact and firm deadlines). Identifies, assesses and manages risks to the success of the project. Ensures that realistic project plans are maintained and ensures regular and accurate communication to stakeholders, consistent with the methods in use (agile, waterfall, etc). Ensures Quality reviews occur on schedule and according to procedure. Manages the change control procedure, and ensures that project deliverables are completed within agreed cost, timescale and resource budgets, and are signed off. Provides effective leadership to the project team, and takes appropriate action where team performance deviates from agreed tolerances.
Project management: Level 6
Takes full responsibility for the definition, documentation and successful completion of complex projects (typically with significant business, political, or high-profile impact, and high-risk dependencies). Selects methods and tools, using iterative techniques where appropriate, ensuring that effective project control, change control, risk management and testing processes are maintained. Monitors and controls resources, revenue and capital costs against the project budget and manages expectations of all project stakeholders.
Project management: Level 7
Sets organisational strategy governing the direction and conduct of project management, including application of appropriate methodologies. Authorises the management of large scale projects. Leads project planning, scheduling, controlling and reporting activities for strategic, high impact, high risk projects. Manages risk and ensures that solutions to problems are implemented in line with change control processes.