The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Become a SFIA Accredited Training Provider

Training is an important part of the overall service received by SFIA users. The SFIA Foundation therefore recognises certain SFIA courses as Accredited Courses.

Providers of SFIA Training are SFIA Accredited Partners,

SFIA Training must, of course, explain the concepts of SFIA. However, it is essential that those people who deliver the training courses are able to explain the practical usage of SFIA. That means that they must have experience in the general field of skills management, and they must be SFIA Accredited Consultants.

Training providers' courses cover a syllabus issued by The SFIA Foundation.

Applying to be a SFIA Accredited Training Provider

What do do:

  • notify the Foundation that you want to provide SFIA Training
  • apply for the Foundation’s approval, providing for each type of course a copy of all training materials, such as presentations, handouts and other items;
  • do not run any SFIA training courses unless and until approval is obtained.

Having obtained approval, you will:

  • have the right to use the SFIA Training Provider logo in your marketing, and to advertise as a 'SFIA Training Provider'
  • conform to the requirements set out below under the SFIA Training Services Code of Practice
  • pay to SFIA Foundation the Training fee, payable quarterly, in respect of each person attending any SFIA Training Course.

On providing approval, The Foundation will indicate which (if any) of the Partner’s courses can count as the training element of SFIA Consultants’ accreditation.

See the Accredited Partner Licence with Training option or 

Global Accredited Partner Licence with Training option.

See our General Terms and Conditions for other details, including fees.