The global skills and competency framework for the digital world


SFIA is updated by users so that it reflects the changing skills and priorities of the industry. This is the place to monitor and contribute to future changes.

Publication date for SFIA 9

  • We published the current version of SFIA (SFIA 8) in September 2021 
  • We typically operate a 3 year update cycle - so tentatively SFIA 9 would be published around Q2 2024 to Q1 2025
  • Firmer dates for SFIA 9 will be published once we have a view of scale and scope of change requests and industry themes

Share your ideas for future direction and priorities of SFIA

We know that many SFIA users have ideas for developing SFIA but are not ready to submit a change request (see below). We'd still love to hear your ideas - you can use this link to get in touch directly.

We are not looking for detailed or lengthy answers - just 1 or 2 bullet points/a short paragraph in response to 3 questions...

  1. What changes are important for the next version of SFIA?
  2. The SFIA ecosystem - what tools, resources, information would help you adopt and use SFIA?
  3. How the SFIA Foundation works with and supports industry.

You don't need to answer all 3 questions - just the ones which are important to you.

SFIA 9 change tracker

Recent changes - making SFIA easier to consume

Change requests

  • We gather suggestions and proposals for change in this section.
  • You can attach your change request to the specific categories, skills or levels of responsibility.
  • We summarise change requests by their status (pending, accepted, declined, deferred) on the Change requests page.
  • You can link to change requests from the skill descriptions themselves in the SFIA full framework view and Levels of responsibility pages.

Any registered user of the site can add or comment on change requests

Industry Themes for SFIA 8

As with previous updates we will also address a number of industry themes.
  • Addressing a theme allows the framework as a whole to be reviewed for a particular context.
  • If you have ideas or suggestions for industry themes please get in touch.

Developing the SFIA ecosystem

As well as updating the core SFIA framework, the global SFIA community continues to develop a wider SFIA ecosystem to help...

  • increase adoption of the SFIA Framework
  • increase the quality & consistency of use of the SFIA Framework

Topics currently under active investigation, development and implementation include...

  • Behavioural Factors
  • Incremental versions of SFIA (between major releases) 
  • User guidance to help implement and adopt SFIA
  • Collecting information on usage of SFIA
  • Basic education awareness for new and/or potential SFIA users
  • SFIA community engagement using webinars and conferences
  • Foundational digital skills and the link to the skills, roles and careers in the scope of SFIA
  • Interoperability of SFIA with other frameworks to help user organisations
  • Semantic analysis/Machine readable forms of SFIA
  • An API to access the SFIA content
  • Translations
  • SFIA assessments and SFIA digital credentials/badges

Contributions to these developments are always welcome. Register on the site to be kept informed of developments.

SFIA 9 Design Authority

Change requests are evaluated by a global Design Authority.
  • The Design Authority comprises experienced SFIA users from around the world
  • They collaborate to make recommendations on actions needed to address change requests and industry themes
  • The SFIA Foundation General Manager chairs the Design Authority


Contact SFIA Updates Manager.