Le cadre mondial des aptitudes et des compétences pour le monde numérique


Sélectionnez une licence

Licence Description Frais annuels
Accredited Practitioner licence Individual licence for those meeting SFIA Practitioner accreditation scheme requirements, including training £75.00
Accredited Consultant licence Individual licence for those meeting SFIA accreditation scheme requirements, including training £250.00
Non-Accredited Consultant licence Individual licence £500.00
Accredited Partner licence Single legal entity operating in one country, offering consultancy services £1750.00
Global Accredited Partner licence Group companies, or operating in multiple countries, offering consultancy services £3500.00
Mapping licence Single legal entity operating in one country, publicising the relationship between SFIA and their offering, e.g. qualifications or training; and/or with products specifically dependent on, or incorporating, SFIA £1750.00
Global Mapping licence As Mapping licence, but for group companies, or those operating in multiple countries £3500.00
Extended Corporate User licence For use in company groups, multiple legal entities or multiple government departments £1750.00
Accredited Consultant or Practitioner Application Fee Non-refundable fee to cover evaluating application to become an Accredited Consultant or Practitioner. £200.00
Evaluation Rate Card licence Evaluation purposes only - offered to Micro organisations for the first year only, in order to determine the value of SFIA for this purpose £100.00
Micro Rate Card licence Micro companies (1-10 employees and = EUR2m turnover or balance sheet) £250.00
SME Rate Card licence Small and Medium Enterprise organisations (11-250 employees and = EUR50m turnover or = EUR43m balance sheet) £750.00
Rate Card licence Single legal entity operating in one country £1750.00
Global Rate Card licence Group companies, or operating in multiple countries £3500.00

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£ .00