The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Adding essence of a level statements

Purpose: To provide at-a-glance understanding of each level in the SFIA framework.

This addition aims to:

  • Simplify understanding: By distilling each level, users can more easily differentiate between levels and understand the progression from one level to the next.
  • Making SFIA easier to consume: Make it easier for users to identify and differentiate levels without needing to delve into the detailed descriptions.
  • Faster reference: The essence descriptions serve as a quick lookup tool for users who need a rapid refresher on what each level represents.
  • Simplified communication: Facilitate easier discussions about SFIA levels among team members, managers, and HR professionals.
  • Easier to link to professional skills: The essence statements can more easily be read alongside the levels of the professional skills to reinforce that the two work together

Why 'essence'

We have used the term 'essence' rather than 'summary'

  • Using essence indicates a distilled representation of the level, providing clarity on what fundamentally differentiates one level from another.
  • A summary suggests a condensed version of the detailed descriptions without necessarily highlighting the most critical aspects.

The essence statements

SFIA level 1. Follow:

  • Follows instructions, completes routine tasks under close supervision, and requires guidance. Learns and applies basic skills and knowledge.

SFIA level 2. Assist:

  • Assists and supports others, works under routine supervision, and uses discretion to solve routine problems. Actively learns through training and on-the-job experiences.

SFIA level 3. Apply:

  • Performs varied tasks, including complex and non-routine, using standard methods. Plans and manages own work, exercises discretion, and meets deadlines. Proactively enhances their skills and impact.

SFIA level 4. Enable:

  • Performs diverse complex activities, supports and supervises others, works autonomously under general direction, and contributes expertise to deliver team objectives.

SFIA level 5. Ensure, advise:

  • Accountable for achieving workgroup objectives and managing work from analysis to execution and evaluation. Provides authoritative guidance in their field and works under broad direction.

SFIA level 6. Initiate, influence:

  • Influences the organisation significantly, makes high-level decisions, shapes policies, demonstrates thought leadership, fosters collaboration, and accepts accountability for strategic initiatives and outcomes.

SFIA level 7. Set strategy, inspire, mobilise:

  • Determines overall organisational vision and strategy, operates at the highest level, and assumes accountability for overall success.