The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

SFIA as an evolving framework

With its flexible, reflective, and regularly updated approach, the SFIA framework is robust and proven approach that supports the diverse needs of employers while remaining adaptable to future industry changes and advancements.

  1. Flexibility and utility for employers: SFIA's structure allows organisations to tailor the framework to their unique needs and contexts. This flexibility makes it more practical and valuable for a wide range of employers, enabling them to define and develop the specific skills necessary for their interpretation of service design.

  2. Regular updates: Unlike other frameworks, SFIA is regularly updated to stay current with industry trends and advancements. This means that while the approach taken in SFIA 9 might be suitable today, it can be adapted in future versions to reflect new insights and developments in the field of service design.

  3. Industry reflection rather than dictation: SFIA does not impose a rigid set of skills on the industry. Instead, it aims to reflect established practices and provide a tool that is applicable and beneficial to a diverse array of employers globally. This inclusive approach ensures that SFIA remains relevant and widely applicable.

  4. Providing flexible options: Rather than committing to a single, rigid approach to service design skills, SFIA offers a range of flexible options. This approach acknowledges the varying needs and practices across different organisations and industries.

  5. Adaptability: This adaptability ensures that SFIA can evolve alongside industry developments, maintaining its relevance and usefulness over time.