The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Illustrating the wide range of terms, concepts and techniques for Service Design

This page shows a range of the approaches that may fall under the umbrella of "service design," highlighting the extensive range of methodologies and practices involved.

This shows the challenge of defining a single "service design" skill. SFIA meets this need by providing a flexible and evolving framework that covers a variety of skills, enabling organisations to adapt and apply the most relevant competencies to their specific service design needs.

Customer Experience Design (CX Design):

  • Focuses on enhancing the overall experience of customers as they interact with a company’s products or services.
  • Example: "Our team is dedicated to CX design to ensure seamless and enjoyable customer interactions across all touchpoints."

User Experience Design (UX Design):

  • Emphasises designing products and services that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users.
  • Example: "We employ UX design principles to create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for our applications."

Human-Centred Design:

  • Involves designing solutions that prioritize the needs, wants, and limitations of end-users.
  • Example: "By adopting a human-centred design approach, we ensure our solutions are tailored to meet real user needs."

Design Thinking:

  • A human-centred approach to designing services, starting with user research to empathise and understand needs, followed by iterative cycles of ideation and prototyping, refining based on user feedback.
  • Example: "Our innovation labs use design thinking to drive creative solutions and improve service delivery."

Experience Design (XD):

    • A holistic approach to designing experiences that encompass all aspects of a user's interaction with a product or service.
    • Example: "Experience design is at the core of our strategy to deliver memorable and impactful customer journeys."

Service Innovation:

  • Focuses on developing new or improved services to meet changing customer needs and market demands.
  • Example: "We are investing in service innovation to stay ahead of the competition and offer cutting-edge solutions."

Service Integration and Management (SIAM)

Focuses on coordinating internal and external service providers to deliver integrated and seamless IT services.

  • Example: "Our SIAM approach ensures that all our service providers work together efficiently to deliver the best outcomes for our organisation."

Customer Journey Mapping:

  • A process of visualising the steps customers take when interacting with a company to identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Example: "By mapping our customer journeys, we can pinpoint areas where we can enhance the user experience."

Service Blueprinting:

  • A method for visualising the service process, identifying key touchpoints, and understanding the customer’s perspective.
  • Example: "Service blueprinting helps us uncover inefficiencies and design better service processes."

Product-Service System Design:

  • Combines products and services to create value propositions that meet customer needs in an integrated manner.
  • Example: "Our product-service system design approach ensures a seamless integration of our products and services for greater customer value."

Business Process Design:

  • Focuses on creating efficient and effective workflows and processes within an organisation.
  • Example: "We leverage business process design to streamline our operations and improve service delivery."

Creating Service Model Canvases

  • Offers a comprehensive overview that captures the essence of the service, encompassing its users, objectives, delivery methods, financials, resources, and regulatory frameworks.
  • Example: "We use service model canvases to capture and analyse all elements of our service for both current state and future improvements."


  • An iterative journey of developing and testing design concepts, evolving from low-fidelity sketches to fully interactive prototypes.
  • Example: "Prototyping allows us to quickly test and refine our ideas, ensuring they meet user needs before full-scale implementation."

Ensuring Accessibility

  • Designing inclusive services that are accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities, by adhering to established accessibility standards and regulations.
  • Example: "We prioritise accessibility to ensure our services are inclusive and meet regulatory standards."

Content design

  • Crafting engaging text, images, video, and audio content to communicate service information and foster interaction, while considering accessibility standards, user experience, content strategy, and digital optimisation techniques.
  • Example: "Effective content management is key to engaging users and providing them with the information they need in an accessible format."

Persona Development

  • Using user research to craft detailed profiles of service users, capturing their needs, behaviours, and goals to inform and enhance design decisions.
  • Example: "We develop personas based on user research to ensure our design solutions are tailored to our target audience."

Employee Experience Design

Focuses on improving the overall experience of employees within an organisation, from recruitment to daily work life and career development.

  • Example: "We design employee experience strategies to foster a supportive and engaging work environment."

Patient Experience Design

Aims to enhance the overall experience of patients within healthcare settings, ensuring their needs, comfort, and preferences are prioritized.

  • Example: "Our patient experience initiatives ensure that care is compassionate, efficient, and tailored to individual needs."

Learner Experience Design

Focuses on creating effective and engaging educational experiences for learners, taking into account their needs, goals, and learning environments.

  • Example: "We design learner-centric educational programs that enhance engagement and knowledge retention."