The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Service design consultation

Current position on the consultation and analysis of service design-related skills in SFIA

Get in touch if you have comments, ideas - 

  • we would love to hear from anyone interested in this area

Current position following consultation and review

  • For SFIA 8 - service design was reviewed
    • In SFIA 7 and previous versions of SFIA there had been a sub-category of skills called 'Service design'
    • This was aligned to the ITIL framework - it had 2 to 3 SFIA skills: Availability management, Capacity management, Service level management
  • For SFIA 8 - the sub category was removed as it was mis-leading as it did not contain the full range of service design-related skills available in SFIA
    • Guidance notes were published to help employers and service designers locate potential SFIA skills
  • For SFIA 9 - interest in service design is still strong and growing in some areas
    • it is still hard to find a settled position
      • service design as a role/job
      • service design needed a suite of role/jobs
      • service design as a methodology or as a mind-set
      • service design used interchangeably with other terminology
      • the range of 'experience' related concepts, such as, user experience, customer experience, patient experience, employee experience
      • the relationship between skills needed to create the service "design" and other skills needed for analysis, development, implementation and operation of a service - e.g. if service design is an iterative approach which requires continuous monitoring and improvement - then there are scores of SFIA skills which fit under the service design umbrella
    • it seems more important for SFIA 9 to help employers and service designers navigate their way to a position on skills rather than aim for a finalised, 'settled' position

SFIA as an evolving framework

With its flexible, reflective, and regularly updated approach, the SFIA framework is robust and proven approach that supports the diverse needs of employers while remaining adaptable to future industry changes and advancements.